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Bring Back Andreas Please..


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I don't know if you guys are aware or even care, but the most important npc in the game is gone. I can't get hover or ninja emote cards on my new toons anymore because Andreas is trapped in the forgotten part of Sanctum. If you could move him into the one of the main cities that'd be great.

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I will never understand what the removal of such immense amounts of content will do to benefit the game. While I wailed against the removal of certain zones from the game, what possible reason could their be for removing areas of sanctum and hundreds of item vendors? There are now some skins and emotes that will likely never again be obtainable without paying hard cash. On that note, has anyone looked at the new black cloud market? Over 80% of its contents are gone. This update has butchered the game in my opinion. There are so many changes that make such little sense and serve only to detract from the experience as a whole while gaining nothing in their place.

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