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my account has been blockd


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Go here to ask your question. 

Go here to submit a ticket concerning your account.

You are on the wrong forums. These forums are for the NA game servers and are managed by NCWest. The EU servers are managed by Gameforge. The companies are totally different and do not have any contact with one another.

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3 minutes ago, 2s1D5799-DN said:

how do i know im connecting the right server ?

You download the client from the publisher you want to connect to and it will automatically connect you to the right servers.

i.e. if you download the client from NA site you get connected automatically to the NA servers.

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well im an really old player, and they changde a lot since they got in gameforge hands, like i cant connect on the website anymore because my login isnt anymore there :( but ingame it says that my account is deactivated so its still there but i need to wait until they reach out to me :(


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1 minute ago, 2s1D5799-DN said:

well im an really old player, and they changde a lot since they got in gameforge hands, like i cant connect on the website anymore because my login isnt anymore there :( but ingame it says that my account is deactivated so its still there but i need to wait until they reach out to me :(


Yes. I believe we have heard here about how Gameforge deactivates accounts that haven't been logged into for years. The accounts are still stored somewhere and you need to contact them and wait for them to move your account back to the live servers. I don't believe it's anything to worry about. It will just take some time.

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1 minute ago, 2s1D5799-DN said:

thanks man, thanks for giving me hope :), maybe the god of Atreia be with you.

btw wasnt there any server tranfer from EU to US ?


The servers are owned now by different companies. They are on different patches. They have different free-to-play models. Their shops are different. The two companies do not communicate at all. Both get the game from NCSoft, which is the parent company of NCWest, but other than that they have no ties at all.

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We are down to two servers. They are decently populated. That is to say that there are enough people to fill groups when you put them up and there are enough people at siege to lag you out. But the servers are no where near full.

The staff at NCWest pretty much give us the crumbs of their time. We have only one employee who only works on Aion and we never see him. We have bugs in our version of the game and they seem to get fixed at glacier speed. Not sure where the break down is. Pretty sure that the Community Manager passes our concerns to our Game Director. So either he isn't passing them on to Korea or he is and Korea isn't sending fixes to us. Either way the community has pretty much given up on anything ever changing. We are truly the Red Headed Step Children of NCWest.

Aion has changed a lot since you probably played.. and that's universal no matter where you play. Aion is now free-to-play in Korea and the changes in the game reflect that. It isn't the AIon you remember and it may make you sad. Leveling was streamlined (which did need to happen), but in doing so they cut our huge areas of the old game that were just not being used. Instead of having one story line for Asmodians and one for Elyos, they both have the exact same story lines now. There is really no difference between playing an Elyos or an Asmodian. It's really not even aesthetics any more. Asmodians don't have claws any more and you can turn off the back hair/tails. Asmodians can be tan. Their eyes still glow red.. but that's it. Armors look the same for both races. The skills are all the same. They have added a few new classes and every time they do they just destroy the balance of the game. The game is very pay2win. The gear differences are still a killer in PvP and the pay2win figures into that. There are other changes to the game that I am less than thrilled about. 

But it's still Aion and it's still my game.

So meh. 

I am hear for the duration.

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ohw man what a story, and sad it makes me sad to hear that NCWest has gone so low now theese days :( i still remember the time that we had to fight our way in the area's and make oure gear better to try to defeat the soldiers of balure, man what a time.

i did playd a really short time on the free to play thingy and i we where defestaded that we where going from NCSoft to something els wich was much more pay2win :( 

after a while i still logd in and have playd the Brad for 2 weeks but then the system was just not there anymore like in the good old day's.

i had hoped that US was a bit better then the EU but its really not we have here i guess 4 server still going but how many ppl are on there i really have no clue

this week i was like why not go back to the nice time in aion with questing pve and gathering and the big pvp battle in the city's i really miss those day's :( 

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