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warehouse increase.


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yeah the only way to fully unlock now is to pay from bcm and youll never get the max old players have. I have 162 inventory cube, 200 slots in pet (6,12,18,22,24,26,28,30,34), then I have 3 1-slot cabinets 3 2-slot cabinets and 2 3-slot cabs. My warehouse is maxed out as well and I think its about 108 or something never really checked the number and I am also the BG of a max lvl legion giving me the use of the max size legion warehouse

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Tbh you can, but you have to pay real money for it or hope someone else with money can help you out. your cubes you can get 135 slots with kinah then the last cube you pay cube expansion coins from the bcm but they are also brokerable. WH you can get to 72 with kinah I believe then there are tickets on bcm again to inc it as well. Then pets, yeah, kinda shit out of luck getting every different type so they don't share but there are some on broker as well as again in the bcm for cash. then the cabinets you can still buy from npc the small ones or if you live in a house+ (not free studio) there is a 3 row temporary as well as some cabs 2 and 3 row for sale on the broker. So technically there is a way to get close to my same inventory space and my toon is a day 1 NA release toon. True I made it to my cap which will still be higher than yours as well as spending much less $$ but I feel that is worth when ive been a player since pay to play on day 1.

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1 hour ago, Ereliya-KT said:

True I made it to my cap which will still be higher than yours as well as spending much less $$ but I feel that is worth when ive been a player since pay to play on day 1.

But a game that limits new players to always be worse than the old ones (in any possible way) is bad mechanics.

Everyone should be able to get every possible cabinet that was ever available in game and any inventory pet. It doesn't matter if we got it free of charge via a quest or a boss drop or even crafting in the old days (like I got mine), they should definitely put everything on BCM and have them brokerable so everyone can somehow get it all.

In 6.0 they made useless all the old materials so we freed a ton of space. But since 6.0 we have two different pvp upgration items now, for crafting we also have different materials from 6.x to 7.x. Extra items for upgrades, miniums, potions, extra sets for pvp etc. Inventory is never enough.

I have 162 slots in my inventory (6 bags in total 27 slots each). I am still full in 5 of them already and I don't even have a 2nd pvp set. My estate cabinets are all full of (useless) expired skins, that I will never use because if I do they will get destroyed and there is no way to get more of them.

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I mean I get the inventory limit I explained I have all those cabinets and mine as well are full of old skins that I love my luna wardrobe is full of skin as well. my 200 slots worth of pets are all full of random things and my inventory itself has 2 free 27 slots free for rubbish that gets cleared out often and I have 2 pvp sets and 2 pve sets and the start of a 3rd pvp set. I get this but expansion cubes are available to new players, warehouse expansion is available to new players. there are half of the old cabs that dont share on the broker to buy most of the time and pets there are some on broker as well as most of the rest on the bcm. I have 162 slot cube then a 6,12,18,24,26,30,34 pets on my vandal and that is new class obv so it is possible. you just have to weigh what youre willing to give to get it

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