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More Class Selection Help please


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OK so I want to have as many different classes as possible in Aion as I can have.  I know that there are like 11 classes and you can only have 8 characters.  I'm ok with that (well sorta because I'd like to have one server with all the classes I want to make as Elyos and then mirror it for Asmo on the other server).  I know I don't want to play a Spirit Master because I did try it out a few years ago and hated it.  I asked on here earlier about the difference between a Ranger and a Gunslinger and was told that Ranger is the lowest dps class out there which is why I wouldn't play one.  That brings me to 9 classes left to play around with out of the 8 possible.  That leaves me with a decision of which 2 classes to choose from, Aethertech, Gunslinger, and Songweaver.  I know that a Songweaver is a utility class that does dps and helps heal (similar to a chanter).  I know Gunslinger is a pure dps class.  I know that an Aethertech can be a tank.  What I don't know is how is Aethertech as a dps slot?  Is that viable or are they pigeonholed into a tanking role?  Is Songweaver any fun to play or are they boring?  I know I've already been told that their dps is pretty bad since they're a utility class.  Finally, is Gunslinger fun to play too?  I was told they need to use a cannon to dps otherwise they suck, is that true as well?


I guess I should ask, out of Gunslinger, Songweaver, and Aethertech which should I NOT make?


Thanks for all your help.  I'm just getting back into the game and want to have fun while playing.

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You missed understood about ranger,ranger is not lowest dps class I just said it's lowest of all 4 classes u've listed.

May I ask why you hate SM ?
AT is low dps if not lowest with Templar until your AT is lv 74 (or buy essence cores you wouldn't like AT much before that)
I suggest you should download aion rainmeter and try to dps urself,who can tell u better than yourself right ? :) 

However every class have their own fun there is no such as bad class every class is fun I recommended to play all :)


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46 minutes ago, Neleth-KT said:

Yes but that doesn't require you control pet all time,it's  like u control pet every 16 sec(sorry if I timing cd wrong) then ur pet auto attack.

SM is one of best solo class in game and to be honest one of the easiest class to play (like summoner  in BnS)

Yeah well I just didn't like the style of play it had.  That's why I asked I guess I should ask, out of Gunslinger, Songweaver, and Aethertech which should I NOT make?

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Do you rush to be good ? If you patient enough to watch your character grows to 75 then AT is worth it.

If not then keep SW and Gunner but after lv 70 they got nothing to increase their dps anymore and it's very boring.
Another plus for SW and Gunner  you can farm IS/DR skins with the classes which skin itself is really cool.

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Each class has its own perks and negative points, for example, GS need to have a nice cannon and good pistols, so they are a bit more expensive, SW needs an AS Weap but very few are in the game, and lastly, AT Gear sucks, most of them dont give you what they need(apollon doesnt gives mana) the only nice gear for AT is frigida wich is hard to get nowadays.

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