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New to game and need help with extracting tool

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Hi fellow gamers.

I'm fairly new to Aion and am fumbling through. Finding info on the new version is not easy. I'm not able to locate any General Goods Merchant that sells the extraction tool (for extraction on equipment)

Can someone please help me with this?

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Do you mean the extraction supplement that gives you more manastone fasteners for extracting an item? If so, you can't buy those anymore. If you still have any left from 6.x, you can use them on some pieces of armor.

Do you mean the extraction supplement that gives you dust to combine into gemstone/runestone enchantment stones? If so, you can get those from some Lugbug mission rewards, events, or craft them via aetherforging.

That said, you do not need an extraction tool to disenchant equipment. You can do it without any kind of supplement if you're only looking to get manastone fasteners and/or fighting spirit fragments. You just click on the piece of gear, then click the anvil so that it brings up the equipment window. Then you go to the tab that says extraction.

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Thanks Vantheria for the help.

I am referring to extraction for manastone fasteners.

The problem I have is that my extraction tab is grayed out. 

I thought it was because I needed the "extraction tool". But, perhaps it is because that item cannot be extracted?

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ah, OK. I can stop driving myself crazy with this. Thank you, so much for the help, Vantheria.

I'm gonna push the envelope here and hope for just a bit more help.

Essencetapping ... I've reached level 79. When I continue to tap, I get a message that I received experience, but my level doesn't move past 79.

Can anyone give me any pointers on this?

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12 hours ago, Draykin-KT said:

Essencetapping ... I've reached level 79. When I continue to tap, I get a message that I received experience, but my level doesn't move past 79.

It is most likely that you are tapping essences that are below your level. You only gain TRUE experience if you are within 40 levels of the essence. For example, if you are level 79 and tapping level 20 essences, you won't level up. If you're at level 79, don't go any lower than level 40 essences.

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9 hours ago, Draykin-KT said:

Thanks again Vantheria ... I did as you suggested, and I am leveling just fine  :)

There are many key materials that have multiple crafting levels (same material) so as to give you a crafting ladder to raise your aetherforging.
These are the old weapon key mats, as you see the ancient has 4 different levels for the exact same item and this goes for every codex, they all have the exact same levels (like armor codex would still have 1, 20, 40, 80, 100... etc):


The new recipes are better spread within the same material so it is "easier" to get between levels, since the gaps are better spread (you get 20 levels difference or 30 levels difference, not 20/40 that you get in old materials, you also need less materials to do those new recipes)

And even better if leveling your aetherforging is your goal, you can do it the fastest possible way, you get a new recipe every 10 levels... you just have to round robin around all materials. So you would use the minimum amount of base materials to get to aetherforging 300, you might just end up with some magic stones that you might not need/use. But cost-wise this is the best way to go to 300. Take a look below and see how every 10 levels you get a new one.


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