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Kinah is Kinah!


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So I feel like it's even harder now then before 7.7 to get Kinah in game. The drops from instances NPC for less then they use to. Mobs still drop barely any kinah at all. The kinah boxes in Dem are highly contested and barely pay for a weeks worth of shards/food.  The kinah bundles from Renown are gone. I've heard this as the #1 complaint from new players tied with the lack of active groups forming for instances in lfg. They can't afford to buy the Exp Extractors let alone retune their gear or even pay for the attempted manastone socketing. 

The only way to farm Kinah now feels like you have to make 20 alt accounts with tunes and just spend 4 to 8 hours a day afking luna praying for the Kinah box craft, and that's just no fun and not doable for most players. Please give us KINAH earning methods!

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6 hours ago, Rag-DN said:

The only way to farm Kinah now feels like you have to make 20 alt accounts with tunes and just spend 4 to 8 hours a day afking luna praying for the Kinah box craft, and that's just no fun and not doable for most players. Please give us KINAH earning methods!

This was always the only way as this way can give you tons of millions. Nothing has changed effectively. I would never run an instance just so I can get me a petty ultimate or legendary drop and get 5m by selling it to the NPC.

My biggest concern is XP in this patch, the amount of XP marks we need is getting insane, I remember they implemented XP extraction back in late 6.x patch but they were useless at that time, we only had them earlier so we can stock up, it makes me hate myself for not doing more XP marks when we had the passive and coffin, but I did do like 500 of them during that time and now I am left with just 50!

Kinah + XP making is the reasons players feel awful, kinah can be made with alts and XP is no way to make it.

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7 hours ago, Rag-DN said:

Maybe they should make XP Marks brokerable?  I can farm XP okish but Kinah I struggle with hardcore

As much as this would work for me and everyone else, I doubt they will do that, because then everyone with 1000 alts will simply have as much as they need. I doubt they would even make them account wh storable.

It would work for me and most peopel for sure though.

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8 hours ago, Drugged-KT said:

if they were at least acc wh storable, you could get 24 from lunas everyday (1 from extracting and 1 from lugbug) + 48 every 5 days (if u do abyssal with all your alts and use the exp crystal) and that could solve many problems with marks

Exactly, I doubt they would do that because then it means alts work for one player. I would love that too as I said.

The best scenario is to make every weekend have XP boost buff onlike we used to have, and the next weekend make AP boost because people are running short on AP now.

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