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  1. .... You made an open world grind event to gain the candies to farm for the pets.... You do realize the botters will dominate this event and if those candies are tradeable/sellable/brokerable you just made the RMT issue 1000x worse right? Also, other then the [Event] Jack O' Lantern, the rest of the rewards are pretty crappy. Should of just stuck the [Event] Jack O' Lantern in the Kuna store.
  2. PS the chat filter stopped working for adding key words after last Wednesday's update. Hoping it NCwest fixes it again soon so we can continue to add words to it because last week it was working beautifully.
  3. Stealing and putting on AionNotes lol... thanks!
  4. .... Are you trying to cause a riot...cause this is how you cause a riot
  5. Well no longer getting randomly kicked from the eye...but now I get DC'd from the game every-time I'm in the eye for more then a minute or so.... this is very frustrating! I want to play! >.< Please fix this @Loki @Kibbelz
  6. Another thing, if you DC while running the event instance, even if you fast boot back into the game it auto kicks you from the event instance and puts you on CD... meaning no rewards and a wasted entry!
  7. Also if you fall to your death at the section after the moving Roots part it puts you back at the very start of the instance...ALSO not all classes have the same run speed in the instance.
  8. Oh btw...some of my toons when they run they have an update map on the right hand side saying what part of the course you are in, others do not. I can't figure out how you toggle it on and off. Anyone know? Also don't attempt to go to char select while the instance is ending, it'll glitch your HUD bad
  9. I'm scared their screw it up tbh, I don't want them to taint my good times with crappy re-makes...it's bad enough that last time they did it they made the snowballs untradeable.
  10. I agree with number 1, #2 however no... Ncwest changed to a AWS host which charges them by the usage of data. If you log in and do nothing, they get charged for the data the server is sending your client(s). That's why they have the auto kick feature on to remove us for being afk for too long. It's also why we won't be seeing any AFK events in the future probably. If you want to force change, voice your concerns LOUDLY on the forums, don't spend money on the game, but keep playing for FREE.
  11. Wow...this is getting hot in here.... I want to feel bad for the NCwest staff, I truly do, but I can't. You guys keep fumbling the ball event after event, update after update... It's like your intentionally trying to kill the game so you can all collect unemployment or something.
  12. Oh, nice of you to grace us with your presence! See you again in a week!
  13. @Kibbelz Uhm did you guys forget a few things? It's 11/11/20 The Rankings were suppose to reset today yet everyone still retained their current rank and GP... Maybe I was mistaken but I was almost 100% sure today was the start of a new ranking season. When are we getting our rewards for using Xform contracts? Also.... the new server ping is super unstable. Is this the new norm?
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