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Everything posted by Cookie

  1. Unfortunately this is indeed the way it's been in Aion for a loooong time. Complaining and submitting tickets and reports rarely ever yields any results. It's why a lot of the NA playerbase just doesn't even bother any more, there is no point. I've heard people say that NC has a list of all the people hacking and all the bots etc. That they're just waiting for a specific time to do a ban wave and though I've seen temp bans happen I've never really seen any perma bans. Why put a bunch of effort into gathering evidence and making a report when in the end they might at most get a 2 week temp ban? u-u As for bots, even if we only had a single active GM, they wouldn't have a terribly hard time going around and getting rid of the bots within Gelk/Inggi.... But the likelihood of that happening? Zero....
  2. It definitely gets annoying when you have an arena or 1v1 fight where your opponent's godstone is proc'ing like crazy. I had a fight last night where that was the case, silence gs proc over and over and over lmao. However, it's just kind of how it goes sometimes.~ That's why later on, and perhaps (assuming the current para resist on gear applies to godstones) with some current gear, we start getting godstone resistance as a bonus stat.
  3. It would be nice if they would drop more often (if they even drop at all, I've never personally seen one drop in Classic) inside of dungeons.~ Granted we can indeed get them from the tokens and the quests, they should still be a bit more accessible than they currently are. That's just how I feel about it though.
  4. They just announced that they're going to be upping droprates on the 17th, though I wouldn't hold my breath. We'll just have to wait and see. As for broker, if you craft stuff like pots you can make a profit, just not much of one.
  5. I'm extremely curious as to what exactly the adjustment will be. Hopefully we'll get more info next week or so~ :3
  6. Cookie


    From my understanding, BTNM bosses are supposed to be a bit easier. Maybe they don't hit as hard or some such. But from what I know, it's better for lesser geared players and new/returning players who don't have the experience in BT to run NM for the gold Besh set and to get them used to the mechanics of the dungeon~
  7. Literally none of what they said is an assumption lol.
  8. Stuff like that happens all the time, the fact that it happened within the Aion Discord community isn't remotely related to the team that runs that server. Stuff like that doesn't have specific targets and certainly didn't originate from our small player-base or any of the mods/admins in that Discord server. Someone in the Aion Discord community fell for the hack and it spread from there (as these things do, it's what they're designed for), but it's point of origin certainly isn't even related to the server or the community. You sound paranoid and delusional going on like this. Would you be acting this way if someone in some other (non-Aion related) discord server sent you a DM with a similar scam? Would you yell about corruption and extortion when it was just some unlucky person unknowingly/unintentionally spreading it? You didn't even have to be in the server you're mentioning for one of these to show up in your DM's. It was pure chance that someone in the Aion community was sent the link and fell for the scam, thus spreading it. Discord scams have been going around for years, this one isn't anything new or Aion specific.
  9. It's a hack that originated outside of that discord server and was spread throughout multiple Aion discord servers via someone in the Aion community getting hacked. It has nothing to do with the members of the server other than a few unfortunate souls who were affected by the hack. Moral of the story: Don't open links unless you can confirm it's from a friend and not an automated hack~
  10. We'll actually be getting some nice campaign and instance changes in a patch eventually. Over in Korea as of like 2.2 or so Steel Rake became a solo dungeon and it provides a full set of SR armor and a weap after only 3-5 runs if I recall correctly. When I leveled over there I had no issues soloing every campaign up to that point and once I hit DC level the reps made it extremely easy to hit 55. So hopefully we get the patch soon so that levelers have access to an easy decent starter set.
  11. The sub price is just the standard MMO subscription cost, so I really didn't/don't see an issue with that. The biggest problem is the cost of the Daeva Pass and the cash shop items. Just about everything cash shop related is overpriced af. The Daeva Pass costs as much as two monthly subs and that's without paying to unlock the levels. It really shouldn't be so outrageously priced. Sure there are people who can throw money at it but there's also a large majority who can't/don't want to.
  12. Honestly, I'm just waiting to see what's going to happen at this point. Hopefully we hear about some drop rate fixes before the population plummets any more than it already has. I do know some people who plan on coming back if it's ever fixed but, that remains to be seen so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  13. Oof, more cash shop stuff, but I suppose at least the dredge scrolls are going to get fixed? I was wondering what was up with that. And I mean, Moon Daru is cute at least... Meh.
  14. There is a chain quest for the key~ The NPC Yumir is the one who gives it, if you're asmo. You'll need 30 items for the first 3 quests in the chain, and 15 for the final one. Once you've finished the chain, a quest to kill Flarestorm will appear at Yumir. After you've done that (and used your key) you can then get the repeatable quest to receive another key as they are one time use items. Watery Wish - 30 items Earthly Eagerness - 30 items Windy Wanting - 30 items Fiery Focus - 15 items
  15. Gameforge CMs even confirmed on the forums when Classic was first launched that publishing rights aren't a problem for them, they're just unsure/unsuitable to launch it at this time. (Roughly a year or so ago when Classic came out in Korea) Honestly I don't know if Gameforge will even bother releasing a Classic server. They've watched it go through hell here on NA so they might not even fool with it if they deem it unprofitable.
  16. As the forum post states, it's actually a selection box. "The Shining Accessory Set Selection Box contains the following items in their selected sets:". Therefore a player who purchases the accessory box can indeed acquire the whole set if they're willing to shell out the money for the boxes. (Assuming they aren't going to limit the sale, as they did not make mention of any limit on the boxes, only the quantity of each acc you can acquire.) The Reawakening Pass is also going to give out Anuhart selection boxes in it's Premium side, not random drop boxes. (Underlined text are links to sources.) So yes, anyone who's returning and willing to pay the most likely $30+ for the Reawakening Pass and the $5ish per Shining Accessory Boxes will be able to acquire a full set of armor/accs. It does kind of suck for people who have been grinding, as depending on your class the Anuhart set is still solid well into 2.0 content. It should be enough to get people's feet through the door for Udas/Lower Udas which will be necessary to gear up for Beshmundir Temple. Not saying there's anything wrong with new players being offered ways to gear, just wanted to let you know none of it is RNG, you're guaranteed your set if you pay.
  17. Wow, and you're sure you've completed the Steps Towards Expert Work Order? The lvl and that work order should be the only thing standing between you and the Expert test popping up. I hope that support can do something for you, I'm sure there are ways to trigger the quest on their end.
  18. Quite unfortunately, this is not new for NCWest. While playing the live version of the game it didn't take me more than a patch or two to realize that every update comes with returnee events, which players who logged in prior to the patch did not get to receive the benefit of. I actually started making it a habit of not logging in for a moth prior to a patch because of this. Sadly it's how they've been doing things for a while. It really hurts returning players who logged in prior to the patch to check things out, as they'll now be unable to claim any of the returnee rewards. I've always wished they'd give us more notice of patches or something ahead of time so that people can plan their return better and be able to reap the rewards. I can understand why the Anuhart sets are being given out in the returnee pass, but it does suck for people who've been farming it. However, on the bright side, the droprates for these items have now been raised, so fingers crossed it should be easier to finish your set now. As for the accessory box in the Quna shop... I was a bit disappointed at the blatant money grab. They could have at least added it to the event coin vendor, same with the Anuhart piece selection boxes. At least that way players who can't afford to swipe their credit cards all the time and have been unlucky would have a chance of completing their sets in a more timely and guaranteed fashion than running DP. I don't know if anyone else noticed, but there's also the Black Cloud Wings inside of the Quna shop DP accessory boxes. I'm not sure if these will be obtainable in game at all but their stats are likely to be: +181 HP +181 MP +60 Flight Time. So they're at least not too OP but for those of us still making use of Munin's Wings, these are a (slight) upgrade.
  19. Should be 2 and one Master~ Might only be one and a single Master though. If it is 2, you'd need to Master one first, have the first expert past it's test, and then begin the 2nd expert.
  20. Is your character at least lvl 29/30+? I know that sounds silly, but just checking since it is a stipulation for becoming an expert. I don't think the expert quest even shows up until the character is at least lvl 29, if I remember correctly from doing this on my alts.
  21. Oh wow!! I haven't seen a GM in game in sooo long! I really hope they did a decent job of it then! Thank you so much for sharing that info!~
  22. As someone who plays on KR, yeaaaaa. We're definitely going to need that reversed on NA. The droprate of items (especially designs) is already so low (like really really low), having them limited to dungeon drops only is really going to cripple us. No designs = No new crafts, and the 2.0 update has so many wonderful new crafted items and sets, the designs of which can only be dropped. The rarity of the designs is already going to cause them to be extremely expensive, make them even rarer by having them only drop in dungeons and well, RIP. Hopefully we either get some feedback about this or it's in the as of yet unreleased patch notes. I hope they don't copy pasta the KR update but since they really have a habit of doing that here on NA, I'm not too optimistic.
  23. This is something I was really hoping would come up! I'm kind of crossing my fingers that NCWest will go ahead and nerf the bosses and boost the overworld drops in light of the NA population ahead of time, but I do, sadly, doubt that they will. I guess we should know for sure whenever we see the patch notes or if/when Rin replies. Holding my breath about it till then.~
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