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Everything posted by Alance

  1. My Legion has been dealing with crashes and disconnects since upgrading to Win11. They have set the app to run as Administrator and tried the compatibility settings without success. Those who avoided the updates are fine. Is anyone familiar with this?
  2. It's irrelevant now, as you can teleport to the NPC. The video is called Shorrcut to Draupnir Cave on YouTube
  3. I hope they add more character slots then. I have 6 characters already at L27+
  4. The only way to keep playing NA Classic as it is, is to abandon any hope of positive change coming from NCSoft. We have to do it ourselves, and that means changing the focus from getting the ultimate +15 Archon/SW set for every character and build up the existing community. There are still new players coming to the game, but they find themselves alone and unable to afford the gear and skills to even get to L50. Personally I like to adopt a noob whenever I can, even a little leg up can make a difference. I just filled my 6th character slot this last weekend, and I'm bummed I can't make more because of some artificial restriction. Every time I run Ishalgen/Altgard I meet one or two new players, make sure to add them to my friends list, give them extensive advice on how to level up best and tell them to PM me with any questions. My main is still considered a fresh 55 with TacNCO gear because I spend so much time alting, clearing campaigns for low levels and farming aether to keep those prices stable. I've got a great Legion that does both high and low level stuff and it would be a shame to see them leave the game because so many players focus solely on end game in these insular groups of 'hardcore' players. I'm not throwing shade at them either, we need hardcore players who know the instances like the back of their hand and are strong and rich enough to lead sieges. Those Alliance kisks aren't cheap, and when I them with only 2 players bound to it I wince a little bit, knowing my friends lists has a ton of greyed out names under L50 who wanted to join but never made it. Chapter One has done a great job on the Asmo side recruiting and developing new players, they're my main competition when I try to recruit Long story short, the Legion mechanic is generally under utilised. We need to share essential items via LWH, and take a little more time on running those pesky campaigns for others that still can't be soloed, even with the elite nerf. None of that solves the manastone problem however, at least not immediately, but you really don't need a full set of green stones until 55, and what we're lacking is players who have a shot at getting there. Just my thoughts on all this. Personally I enjoy the game as is because there's plenty to do, and if I can't get ahead at sieges I'll farm my alts or aether or level my crafts and make new friends. If I wanted a PvP game with a level playing field I'd just play a console fighting game. The challenge is what makes it fun for me.
  5. /2 is virtually never used because it is zone specific, limiting it's reach. LFG is 50% trade or sell requests. Make /2 server wide, we don't have a server wide general chat outside of LFG channel.
  6. I've noticed a trend recently where fort sieges are mostly comprised of groups instead of alliances, with little to no communication on where to go or when. Can anyone elaborate on this? It's been tough to contribute when faction is split up with no lead. I want to help raid but lately it's just heading in blind hoping to get to the action alive. Are sieges just for hardcore players now?
  7. I am terrible at PvP, always tabbing to any target except the one attacking me, suddenly can't think of a good skill order, hit the wrong keys, etc. Then again I rolled Templar for Classic, knowing it would be like this until I found a PvP team to work with, which I still haven't, and also still haven't hit 55 and pretty much all my gear is considered rubbish. In sieges I go down like a wet paper bag if Elyos show up, best I can do usually is to be a moving target and hope to live long enough for another Asmo to wreck whoever's focused on me. Seems to fit my role as tank, in a way. In retail I eventually became a decent PvP sorceror, but then I also had a static team to run Dredge with, it was very fun but took years and by the time I was getting good my legion left the game and I became a solo PvE sorc in PvP gear until the F2P P2W mania took over completely and I left as well. I am starting to relearn Dredge on the tank, Tiak is still a hot mess, but I do get medals at most sieges somehow. Siegebreaker FTw I guess If the server doesn't collapse from expecting to be fully geared in 4 months play, I might yet figure out how to PvP as a tank, but I did re roll my sorc as well, he's about to make 40 now.
  8. Doom Lure, Curse of Roots etc, needed for both PvE and PvP yet extremely rare and broker for 2mil+ easy. My legion has set up a fund to help legionmates get on track with Stigmas but even so it took me a month for me to be able to pay it back.
  9. I like that Aion is a hard game, and teamwork and friendship is how you get ahead. That and a lot of patience. It took me until the late 30's before I got into an active legion, and I did that by adding people I teamed with to my friends list. When I saw them login later I asked how it was going. I posted quests I needed in LFG and if it didn't pan out I worked on solo quests, gathering, brokers and alts. Eventually I gained enough XP and gear to help out 'newer' players, even though most of them were actually returning or on alts themselves. The main thing is, I didn't rush anything. My highest level character is still only 53, but I enjoy wandering around Atreia, not knowing if I will just work on learning the classes or end up in an hour long dungeon crawl and nearly every time I log in I get a message from someone now to go do something. I try to help run a campaign at some point each session, maybe it's an Asmodian thing. What I'm getting at is that a lot of frustration I see seems to come from a sense of urgency to be best Daeva right away, the feeling of missing out on what the cool kids are doing, when it is you who makes the game fun. "If you're not dying, you're not trying" as someone said...
  10. I made a video showing how to shortcut across Bakarma Barracks in Beluslan to get to Draupnir Cave, can I post that here and if so, which subforum would it go in?
  11. Maybe they could add more Lodas drop rate amulets to the Daeva Pass? There are some drops left still, just seriously reduced.
  12. The issue I take with Soul Healing is that it is all or nothing, and it accumulates so if you don't keep it cleared it can easily rack up into the millions. If you could pay less than all of it somehow, it would really help.
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