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Ranking In This Game Means Nothing


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In order to xform you need to be top 100 and we barely even have 100 characters online on each side. Please change ranks to be far more competitive. The amount of people ranking should be reduced like 90% making it:

  1. Rank 100 to be 1-Star
  2. Rank 70 to be 2-Star
  3. Rank 50 to be 3-Star
  4. Rank 30 to be 4-Star
  5. Rank 10 to be 5-Star and transform
  6. Rank 4 to be General and transform
  7. Rank 3 to be Great General and transform
  8. Rank 2 to be Commander and transform
  9. Rank 1 to be Governor and transform

Tired of open world pvp being only xform pvp or a barren wasteland with everyone hiding in their city.

Edited by Motgar-KT
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would be more fair if only the top 10% of active players could xform, but they'd never make a change like that. it's admitting defeat and also something the korean devs would have to impliment, which, why would they code anything new for a server that doesn't even have enough players to function with the normal xform distribution?

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5 minutes ago, Disregard-DN said:

would be more fair if only the top 10% of active players could xform, but they'd never make a change like that. it's admitting defeat and also something the korean devs would have to impliment, which, why would they code anything new for a server that doesn't even have enough players to function with the normal xform distribution?

Changing numbers isn't coding.

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1 hour ago, Motgar-KT said:

In order to xform you need to be top 100 and we barely even have 100 characters online on each side. Please change ranks to be far more competitive. The amount of people ranking should be reduced like 90% making it:

  1. Rank 100 to be 1-Star
  2. Rank 70 to be 2-Star
  3. Rank 50 to be 3-Star
  4. Rank 30 to be 4-Star
  5. Rank 10 to be 5-Star and transform
  6. Rank 4 to be General and transform
  7. Rank 3 to be Great General and transform
  8. Rank 2 to be Commander and transform
  9. Rank 1 to be Governor and transform

Tired of open world pvp being only xform pvp or a barren wasteland with everyone hiding in their city.

This is what happens when the population crashes,all thats left now for the most part is Whales who sunk too much Real life cash into their toons too leave.Only have too look at dredge and tiak ques nearly every run will be Vs a premade.

As too the being in city part when Nc penalises you so heavily with AP losse as a higher rank then most people arent going too lose a lot of AP too openworld.

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