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Makeup for the Eye!


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Hello :) 

alot of people will not be happy for the eye being taken out and the npc just before serverdown. so i believe NCsoft should give us a reward. heres a few ideas

⚫ Exp event.
⚫ Golden Die x10

⚫ Something to make up for it.


You should give us more reasoning because more people spent that whole day farming and i thought maybe just for once the game will go back to the way it was. But Ncsoft you need to either fix this or lose alot of players because of this. people waited for a event like this to happen for a very long time and the game just became alive again. Xoxo Waifu.

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3 minutes ago, YourWaifu-KT said:

Hello :) 

alot of people will not be happy for the eye being taken out and the npc just before serverdown. so i believe NCsoft should give us a reward. heres a few ideas

⚫ Exp event.
⚫ Golden Die x10

⚫ Something to make up for it.


You should give us more reasoning because more people spent that whole day farming and i thought maybe just for once the game will go back to the way it was. But Ncsoft you need to either fix this or lose alot of players because of this. people waited for a event like this to happen for a very long time and the game just became alive again. Xoxo Waifu.

No an xp event does nothing for the many who have allready hit 75 and maxed out 75 xp bar.  Reward should be way bigger then this plus another 1 week xp event start next week for a week so doesn't make sense

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12 minutes ago, Jayda-KT said:

Exp or their BS golden die for this BS pay to win event can not make up for them removing Tia Eye.

Agreed Don't need another exp event it does nothing for the maxed toons and I don't want stupid die. I would like the npc back so we can buy the stuff we spent hours farming for then you guys decide to ninja remove the npc.  After that then you can remove the mobs from dropping further coins and just keep the eye open strictly as a pvp event until you get your shit together might be more acceptable then goign 3 weeks without a event. in fact this is probobaly the best event since the halloween one because all the past great events NcSoft neuters them (look at snowball and jokers wild)

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I had to work all day so I didn't even get to experience the event at all. I heard from friends how nice it was, and was excited to get home to try it only for it to be nyerking gone. We get a good nyerk event and NC is like OH HELL NO, CAN'T MAKE MONEY OFF THIS BETTER REMOVE IT.

I bet john cried to his personal GMs that he couldn't sell anything so he had them take the event down so ONLY he could profit and be aion's savior.

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