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Set Failure

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I believe you are saying is that your purified a piece of abyss gear and now you have failed to enchant when using an omega and greater supplements. 

That is correct. Greater supplements and an omega is only guaranteed to enchant on the level 75 abyss gear. Once you purify that gear to level 80 abyss gear, there is no longer a way to get a 100% enchant. 

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On 3/26/2018 at 4:43 AM, Bryos-DN said:

Rule of thumb:

  • Not tradeable? -> Unable to achieve 100% success rate.

from where is that rule, i think it is not true, i get on me abyss gears 75 lvl (so it becomes untradeabe) and then i do enchant with Omega and Greater supp, it have to be 100% success

i read AION_Patch_Notes_5.6 :


Using an Omega Enchantment Stone and Superior Supplements will guarantee a success rate of 100%.

and how i read this it should be for all gears and also abyss purify 80 lvl so .......

AION_Patch_Notes_5.8 says nothing about enchant system i read the pdf file.

so tell me where are that rules for enchant that you talking about ....... i want to read them all ......


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The patch notes are notoriously wrong and/or incomplete. It isn't written anywhere. It is knowledge that the player base discovered and shared.

From experience.. omega + greater mythical supps = 100% on tradeable/breakable gear only.

There is no way to guarantee the success of an enchant on the new purified gear. Enchanting has gone back to what it was before breakable gear was introduced.

If you don't want the information, you can go right ahead and ignore it. But then I would wander why you posted in player to player support.

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ok but now i have a question, after enchant failure of abyss purify 80 lvl what is happened -

1.the gear is just destroyed ....

2. enchant level drops by 1

3. enchant level goes to 0

and how are you playing a game without simple rules or all in aion is random shit ....


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2 hours ago, Spirithq-KT said:

from where is that rule, i think it is not true, i get on me abyss gears 75 lvl (so it becomes untradeabe) and then i do enchant with Omega and Greater supp, it have to be 100% success

...But you are soul binding it. Its tradeable until you equip it. :P 

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