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What to choose? +15 Legend or +0 Ultimate


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15 Legendary is much better. Ultimate becomes better after +7, ultimate stones almost impossible to get.But you can go +15 on ultimate gear with Legendary stones. 


This is the Russian translation of enchantment success. The area in red is enchantment of Ultimate gear with Legendary stones.



p.s Best way to get ultimate enchantment stone is by exchanging transcendent temp solution and possibly, epsilon omegas.



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6 hours ago, Hirenkyaku-DN said:

Is there a save spot for equipment? someone told me it was at +12 in EU but I'm not sure if NCWest will do the same.

In EU (and KR as well), once you hit +10 on Enchant on any gear, the level won't fall below it even if you fail enchantment.

But getting gears to +10 is easier said than done.

One piece of advice, use only Ancient Stones to get your gear to Ancient gear to +10, and once it reach that point don't use a single Ancient Stone on them, as it would be a waste (lost a lot of Ancient PvP stone like that, because i made the mistake of using them past +10).

6 hours ago, Unskilled-KT said:

p.s Best way to get ultimate enchantment stone is by exchanging transcendent temp solution and possibly, epsilon omegas.

As far as i know, that's the only way to surely get them, as from other sources they are extremely rare almost to the level of none (by the way, there is no exchange for "Irridescent Omega Enchantment Stone" though atleast on EU, only 'Transcendent Tempering Solution' exchange is there).

For normal Omega & Solution, you get Legendary stone in exchange (either PvP or PvE, your choice)

13 hours ago, Hirenkyaku-DN said:

 Are Ultimate PvP and PvE enchantment stones very hard to come by in 6.2?

In past 3 weeks or some of farming on lower grade instance (can't do high grade instance yet, because not good stat gears yet), Siege & Runatorium runs on EU, i haven't gotten a single Ultimate stone yet.

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