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Any maps/videos of Smuggler locations within instances?


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It spawns in CoE and above (FM, BoS etc) and its location is extremely random. In CoE, I found it yesterday when approaching the Jotun boss, you know, with the flying heads and all, the Shugo was located in the corner of the map between 2 mobs. Landing on the floor does heavy DoT damage too (cuz can't clear the pollution only cool kids will remember)

Remember there will be a huge notice in the middle of the screen saying he may appear.

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4 minutes ago, Kubei-DN said:

Remember there will be a huge notice in the middle of the screen saying he may appear.

Oooooo good to know! Thanks so much. When does it appear? When I enter the instance? Or when I'm close to it? Mostly just wondering if it's possible to miss him if it spawns.

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3 minutes ago, The-DN said:

Oooooo good to know! Thanks so much. When does it appear? When I enter the instance? Or when I'm close to it? Mostly just wondering if it's possible to miss him if it spawns.

It's random, you might get the notice at the very start or even at the end of the instance, just try to pay attention during your run for this notice.

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