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Siege Times


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So is NCsoft going to send out a questionnaire about the players preference for siege times? Before daylight savings time tonight sieges already are insanely late for most players, and now this coming week they are going to be almost impossible for the general public to play if they go to school or hold a normal job. It'd really be nice if we could vote and tell when the best times are for sieges like we have been able to do in the past. 

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8 minutes ago, Shirayuki-DN said:

I mean it's not like asian people's opinion matters on this subject, but as a player from asia, I would love if sieges were a little bit later because otherwise we'll be waking up at 7+ AM on a weekend for siege.

I mean... For my time, most sieges start between 4-6am or so lol, it's not such a big difference with your timezone

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