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Aion Game Client has stopped working!


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I need some help.  I cannot get into Aion anymore because the Game Client stops working right at the screen where you press accept to go to the character screen.

I have tried some different things suggested on the internet with no luck.  Please help Celebrations are on! 



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I get error and then Microsoft gives me these files:

Files that might give information about the problem?  I don't know what that means.


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Im having the same problem. I deleted the folders 'bin32', 'bin64' and 'Data' from the Aion folder and now im running a File Repair, lets see if it works. I will edit this when its done to tell you guys if it worked or not. 

EDIT: IT WORKED! Give it a try, just go to the aion folder, delete the folders that i mentioned above and run a file repair.

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