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we need answer @Cyan ( auot random ban )

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we had 2 weeks no ap no gp bug and after we thought u guys fix every thing u gave us now the most bad event in aion we ever had but ok just event and it will pass but now u auto ban players for nothing ?

my main account got ban and other account alt for me got ban too its auto ban for nothing aion every day become shit many bugs , bad events , and no one from gm or support care about us anymore and now just auto random ban ??????? 

just shut it down if u cant fix it or maybe u don't want us to play or u just hate this server just shut it down or do your jobs and fix this game 

and stop break what u get from kr just to change prices or make it more p2w because u break other things then u cant fix it 1st one was ap , gp bug 

now the auto random ban ????????

@Cyan  we need answer about all this stop ignore us let other gm answer us if u don't have answers so as i waited 2 weeks to ap , gp fix now should i just wait 2 week to fix this auto ban bug ? 


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Bans are never handled on the forums. You will never get an answer as to why you, personally, were banned here. Ever. You have to deal with Support. 

You were probably swept up in this. It looks like in trying to ban bots, Support banned IPs that were being used by a specific ping reducer. Seems like a lot of people who were caught up in this have already had their accounts unbanned. If you haven't it may be because you keep "bumping" your ticket. Rather than putting your ticket at the top of the list, bumping a ticket with NCSoft actually puts your ticket at the bottom as if it were a new ticket.

So make ONE ticket and then don't tough it. Wait for Support to respond before adding anything to the ticket.

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I answered his question and explained to him how he can get an answer to his personal issue. I never told him he couldn't post. 

In case you hadn't noticed, the staff doesn't spend a lot of time on our forums. If every question waited on a staff member to answer it, no one would have answers. So it is up to players that have been around awhile and know odd things (like bumping your ticket to Support actually lengthens the response time) to help out as we can. That's what I did here and directed this player to a larger thread where his issues was discussed by many players.

All of that is helpful. Right? Your personal attacks of me are really unwarranted. But you do you and I will continue to be me.

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