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Bring Back bans for afking pvp instances


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Short on staff? I dunno tbh, but I agree on the banning system in general. There are many of us reporting certain people with heavy evidence and yet they are still running around... Their support is outdated too and it takes them up to 2-3 days to get back to your ticket. *smh*

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When Aion went free to play, the decision was made by the staff to no longer ban players afking in PvP instances. They didn't give a reason, which leaves us to guess. Take your pick as to the reason. All we know for sure is that simply afking isn't a reason to report a player any longer. To avoid afkers, make a pre-made. Ofc that's much much harder for something like Evergale, but what you can do is go in with a group of people so that at least you know all of you will be playing.

@Nyali-IS Bans for those hacking are another issue altogether. It is really shameful to my way of thinking that as players we can compile huge amounts of evidence that another player is hacking and provide it to Support only to have the hacking player warned or worse.. not punished at all. Support really needs to step up their game, but first they need to understand Aion. Often time Support seems to be totally clueless in regards to game mechanics or the current patch we are playing under. 

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@Nyinu-KR The support team needs a re-wrap imo. Considering that they are giving out information which are at least over a year or two old, it's just not helpful and I'm sure quite of us where shaking their heads about their response. Some of us are able to fix certain client issues, but like I said before at some point there are things we can not fix by ourselves and we need the help by the support team, speaking of account issues for prestige user or reporting certain players for hacking etc. I agree with you on the point where you said that support needs to understand the game, sadly this is not the case because surely not the whole team is actually having access to the actual game as a "GM". Correct me if I'm wrong, but when I hear the term Game Master, the first thing which pops into my mind is some higher ups supporting the player base in-game. We have none of this. I highly doubt that the support team has such an access like Hime or Cyan who can actually show up in-game. As far as I have heard, support team has a manual (very old one as it seems like) and they just look up the issues in this piece and try to solve your issue. On the other hand, you can't request the support team to actually play the game since we don't know specific numbers how many of them are in this team, how much access they need etc etc, but that's a company management thing, imo.

Sorry for lots of typing, hope you get my main points. :3

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