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Can we get XP/AP/Drop Rate Weekends Back

Sgt Sneak

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It was a thing for awhile on rotation where we Bonus XP/AP/Drop Rate Buffs were given each weekend. Each of these would still be relevant especially to truly new players that need to try and bridge the huge gap between them and their peers/rivals. XP is needed to craft Experience marks so this is beneficial to all. AP buffs would benefit the newer player with a significantly smaller AP pool. Lastly, Drop Rate buffs DEFINITELY would be appreciated by all. These are simple things that would give people things to plan and look forward to. You all have done some very good things for the community in the past and it is not forgotten (at least by me). @Hime @Loki 

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@Hime Thank you for your reply!! I remember people planning around those weekend buffs. It added another level of excitement for the end of  the week. I personally have not really had an issue with latency other than the normal jitters here and there. I am very curious what the culprit is!

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