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Enchanting tips please ?!

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I came back on Aion 3 weeks ago. I stopped play Aion 1-2 years ago, it was the Lakrum patch with the beggining of enchant ancient gear +15, after legendary and after ultimate... The enchanting was so hard (more than 250 ancient stones + lengendary, IMPOSSIBLE to get a +15 on ANCIENT) ... we were so frustrated (i play with my husband), both, we stopped playing Aion. 4 years ago, we stopped playing aion because at this time, fail tempering solution on your plume can broke it... our plumes were +7, we farmed and play hours and hours to get this ... +8 both... POOF, no more plume. /uninstall aion.

Now, after 3 weeks of farming, getting all stones we can (genesis, titan coin, siege, bg, etcetc) ... It needed 2 weeks, more than 160 ancient stone + some legendary to ONLY get +10 to +15 on ANCIENT gear?!?!?

I was +8 on legendary plume, 60 ancient stone, unable to get + 10, i finished +2... i got to +6 with lengedary (lol), I used 11 lengendary stone, i finish +8 ?! ........

I asked many people in game, they generaly said to me they needed 10-15 stones ancient on legendary to get +8, 10-15-20 ancient on ancient gear to get +15  ... ?!?!? Why I need 160 for +10 to +15 ?

Am I only not lucky after 5 years playing on Aion NA and each time, stop because everything link to enchant doesn't work ?!?!?

Do I need to pay to win to up my success enchant rate ??? Is it normal ?? Should I use ultimate enchant stone from +6 on legendary ?!?!?

PvP is still and still unplayable since 3 years. How could new players or old players without pay to win can play actually when all are +15, with full daevanion skill, stigma +9 or +15, ultimate transformation, and this OMG minion S with 15k PV -_-. I can't even think about enchanting stigma because there are so much thing to do. Why we can't be geared faster to get in game faster and fight in pvp faster ?? EACH BG, EACH PVP, EACH Arena, there are only players who 2-3 shoots me. Tell me where is the fun of being farm ?

I don't ask for a Dark Talon ultimate +15 in 3 weeks .... but ONE piece of gear dark talon ultimate +0 each week would be just perfect.

So what I do wrong ? Do you have tips, wich stone to use on wich gear etc...

We are so bored now, we farm non stop and aren't able to get ancient gear +15...






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So here is kind of the "general consensus" on how we enchant gear to make the best use of stones with the RNG system in Aion. Note, you may tweak it a bit if you're feeling unlucky or luckier than the average person.

Ancient gear:

0 - +13 ~ ancient stones (you might choose to use a legendary stone to go from 9 - 10 if you're feeling unlucky)
+13 - +15 ~ legendary stones

Legendary gear:

0 - +5 ~ ancient stones
+5 - +12 ~ legendary stones (you might choose to use an ultimate stone to go from 9 - 10 if you're feeling unlucky)

Ultimate gear:

0 - +2 or +3 ~ ancient stones
+2/3 - +8 ~ legendary stones
+8 - +10 ~ ultimate stones
+10 - +11 ~ ancient stones
+11 - +12 ~ legendary stones
+12 - +15 ~ ultimate stones

General rule: Do NOT rage-enchant. Meaning, if you fail multiple times in a row, take a break for a few minutes. Don't keep throwing stones at it because you're in a failing phase.

7 hours ago, Mihara-KT said:

How could new players or old players without pay to win can play actually when all are +15, with full daevanion skill, stigma +9 or +15, ultimate transformation, and this OMG minion S with 15k PV -_-.

We have all of these things because we had a really fantastic event a couple months ago. So just keep an eye on the events. Hopefully we'll get another good one in August.

7 hours ago, Mihara-KT said:

Why we can't be geared faster to get in game faster and fight in pvp faster ?? 

but ONE piece of gear dark talon ultimate +0 each week would be just perfect.

If your goal is to get out there fast, you should not be focusing on Dark Talon gear. DT gear is a slow grind; it takes a lot of time and effort. You don't get there in a week. Instead, focus on getting the Cruel Demaha and/or Fierce Katalam gear. It's much faster. Not quite as good as Dark Talon in some cases, but still very good.

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3 hours ago, Vantheria-DN said:

General rule: Do NOT rage-enchant. Meaning, if you fail multiple times in a row, take a break for a few minutes. Don't keep throwing stones at it because you're in a failing phase.

Thanks for all your answers ! I was doing all you said except the ''rage enchant''  ... I'll take a break between because I always feel I am in a failing phase LOL xD


If your goal is to get out there fast, you should not be focusing on Dark Talon gear. DT gear is a slow grind; it takes a lot of time and effort. You don't get there in a week. Instead, focus on getting the Cruel Demaha and/or Fierce Katalam gear. It's much faster. Not quite as good as Dark Talon in some cases, but still very good.

We farmed the Titan Coin/Genesis set for beginning so we are full ultimate but we dont enchant it. Honnestly I tried many times in katalam and demaha but it's very hard ... Elyos are everywhere and they hit hard lol, I am always 2 shots and can't kill anybody xD We are solo players, we group when there are people but katalam/demaha is really not for duo non geared xD

Thanks for your help, I'll try not rage quit Aion again hahah :')

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/22/2020 at 7:41 PM, Mihara-KT said:

Thanks for all your answers ! I was doing all you said except the ''rage enchant''  ... I'll take a break between because I always feel I am in a failing phase LOL xD


When I got ancient wings, earlier patches, I did Ancient stones from +1 to +11, sometimes to  +12 if it proced from 10, then, legendary with random success to +14, sometimes +15, used to destroy those +12, sometimes stopped at +13 when a character had a couple of Ultimate stones and then Ultimate to +15. I did so befolre Lugbug missions appeared. I could do just 1 time and stop because of feeling I'm tired or something, feeling afraid. When Lugbug missions started, they were 1st for 3 enchants, then for 5. When they were for 3 enchants and I did that difficult part on wings, I used to do like 1 or 2 on wings and the rest on other gear, lower grade and lower than +10. Now Lugbug missions require 5 enchants in a row (I can't keep too long on same toon waiting for when I feel more lucky cause then I'll miss all other toons, so I do 5 in a row, even if not all of them are successful. Or I do no enchants at all until I collect 5 appropriate stones (some Ult, some Leg) and appropriate possibilities to use them (for example, I almost never spend Leg stones on leg gear after +10, not more than to +11 cause in most cases I'll only  get there and back. I tried it and stopped trying to get to max on Leg gear at all. After that event when 1 per account got Leg and Red enchantment stones and mostly Risel's pve gear, +many leg. manastones and 2 red supplements in the event when you got for them a food and could any number of any grade manastones for 10 min with full success, The difficult part was opening slots for manastones in leg gear, I crafted very many plumes and bracelets that I extracted to get the fasteners.  The new patch came 7.5 and there appeared such wings for 320 Titan coins that have no enchantment option but have original flight time +450, flight speed +40% + tuning option. So, after Herald ancient wings it took me to these new wings that are much better. Also, Genesis crystals and Titan coins offer good shoes at last, they can be tuned to speed +22% that made me stop using Archdaeva's shoes on many toons since getting these Ult ones. Those I get and enchant with Ult ench. stones only. I can't believe they can be enchanted by any lower grade ench. stones even to +3. IAncient stones don't eeven worlk on Legendary gear to +4 or 5 because they get there and back. I better upgrade 10 ancient to 1 Leg. and 5 Leg. to 1 Ultimate ench. stones. Ultimate stones are good because they never reduce the previous level when they fail. A  good  thing started on 7.5  when Windel in Gelkmaros started to exchange Experience marks for Leg and Ult Etium that I hadwanted for  a long time but they were never there, or very few occasionally in events. Now that they are there I can make Ult ench. stones and use them on  Ultimate shoes (after exchanging in Demaha)  Also  I like to buy Ult. accessories that require no enchantment. These are a few good things on 7.5, the rest are mostly bad. I don't like that turning of Lakrum and Demaha to battlefields on the terrible fast-track server, still worse is the new Katalam. I like to do campaigns but they totally disappeared in katalam. Campaigns were renamed to Episodes in Lakrum and Demaha, thankfully they remained but that damned hourglass expires even when a character is offline!! (Why wouldn't they preserve them when offline? To prevent them from accumulation, they could do something like not letting there be more than 2 in the inventory. I must get toons to Luna because it's the only way now to get Exp. I spend time there, and if I got 7 toons thgrough :Luna and then decide to play some of them in Lakrum or Demaha, and then they have no hourglass cause it expired while offline :(  

Bad things in 7.5 gear are plumers and accessories, I think all, because I saw  different ones and none of them were enchantable. I wondered looking at them in Lakrum Genesis Crystal store, how are they made long if they are not enchantable, or they are originally long? The preview never shows the length of a plume or bracelet, they all look short. Thankfully I didn't spend anything for them in any store and continue wearing the old ancient ones, Herald or what I crafted, +10 or higher. Me went on some of my old toons to Udas Temple in Gelkmaros to do a campaign that appeared to them that younger toons (born on 6.0 and later) had and I knew how to play it and what were the rewards, from the new toons. Those old toons on 7.5 completed it and got plumes and braceletes, but I was very disappointed by them because they turned out short without a possibility to make them long, cause they were not enchantable. There is some "sanctification" but it's too complex for me to understand it and I believe it's not going to make them long (am I right?) Shame on NCSoft, how they began to neglect such important things in appearance as length of plumes and bracelets, are they crazy?? Aion has originally been a beautiful game, and even on the ugly 6.0 when they removed the best-looking bikes (Sharptooth series) from BCM and Luna, made them totally unavailable, and many skins and godstones, but they created some nice armor skins for newborn toons, and rather beautiful Red Knight weapons and some armors for old toons that were on lev 79 and lower, not 80. But then it looks like they are quite inattentive and random to the things they do to the game :( `Maybe they just FORGOT to check how the plumes look after they automatically made them unenchantable like accewssories and some wings?

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