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Aion PvE Rankings


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  • 2 weeks later...

- Added Discord and Reddit integration. You are able to link your character's profile with those social profiles. Link to connected social profile will be displayed in your character's profile on MyAion website.                                              SocialLinks.png
- Reworked YouTube and Twitch integration using authorization system. Old manually provided links are removed. You need to connect to these services again if you want them still being linked to your character's profile. Reminder: connecting with YouTube and Twitch allows you to promote your videos/broadcast on MyAion's website in your profile and under PvE Sessions and PvP Live Scores. For more details, check Update - "Content Creators" changelog: https://myaion.eu/DPSMeter/ChangeLog#
- Reworked game server connection status and added new - MyAion connection status. It has three states: offline, idle - waiting for character selection and online. Only when MyAion connection is online it's possible to upload Profile Settings, PvE Sessions and PvP Instance Scores.                           ConnectionStatus.png
- Reworked how dialog windows are displayed. App Settings and Profile Settings window should spawn on side of the main window (on the right, if there is no space on the screen then on the left), other dialogs are modal windows now and should spawn at the centre of the main window.
- Improved PvE session validation. It allows sending sessions even if boss aggro was taken out of range (100m), but still dealt damage equal to boss HP. It should help in a case when a boss is pulled by another group's member from a long distance, for example in Padmarashka's Cave.
- Adjusted PvP instance score decoding for KR Classic after last update.
- Updated external libs.
- Updated data paks for all regions.

Keep your dpsmeter and Npcap up-to-date for the best experience!

Edited by Livo-KT
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  • 2 weeks later...

- Improved stability of MyAion connection for Exitlag users.
- Fixed bug when it could happen that MyAion couldn't reconnect to game server while switching game server.
- Fixed bug when connection status icons were cropped after initial installation.
- Reverted change related to PvE session validation introduced in version It's required to be in the range of 100m of boss when taking its aggro. Otherwise the session will be incomplete. Taking this validation off resulted in unexpected problems.
- Minor UX improvements related to NPC details:
-- Added NPCId into NPC tooltip.
-- Added NPC tooltip over selected NPCs list.                                                              NPCTooltip.png
-- Added NPC details and link to Aion PowerBook above Skills Rotation and Damage Distribution tabs.NPCDetails.png
- Minor UX improvements related to dialog windows:
-- Added confirmation dialog for Pause/Clear session (Keybind shortcuts still bypass it).
-- Added Close button to App Settings dialog.
-- Added Save/Cancel buttons to Hotkeys Settings dialog.
-- All dialogs can be closed with ESC and confirmed with ENTER buttons.
- Adjusted Dredgion instance score decoding for KR Classic after last update.
- Updated external libs.
- Updated Classic data paks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Website's Update:
1. New filter for PvE Rankings is available. You can switch between Only Boss DPS / All Targets DPS type of PvE rankings.rankingfilters.png
- 'Only Boss DPS' ranking type will display player's DPS under 'bossDPS' name - it means that DPS is calculated based on damage dealt only to boss,
- 'All Targets DPS' ranking type will display player's DPS under 'allDPS' name - it mean that DPS is calculated based on damage dealt to all targets during boss fight session.
2. Group's Session page displays separate Boss and Adds Damage Contribution on the chart.damagecontribution.png
3. Player's session page can display Only Boss / All Targets Damage Distribution depending on the selected option.damagedistribution.png

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- Added automatic update of character's equipment during PvE session upload if info about equipment is available.
- Added automatic save of ranked session into file in case when it was not uploaded because of server error or not sufficient damage. It can be used to further analysis if reported on our discord server.
- Updated external libs.
- Updated data paks for all regions.

Please update your Npcap to the newest version 1.73. It fixes a bug which could cause sessions not being uploaded to MyAion.

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Recent updates on our website:
- PvE Sessions section in Character Profiles has been changed to PvE Record Sessions. It will only display the best session for each boss. You can view other sessions by clicking "Show All". This will significantly reduce the profile loading time.CharacterProfilePvERecordSessions.png
- Optimized TOP 1000 Boss Rankings. It loads significantly faster now.
- Added TOP 1000 Boss/Class Rankings. It's possible to display it by clicking on 'Show more...' under TOP 10 Class Rankings.Top1000BossClassRanking.png

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- Sessions with linked YouTube videos have corresponding icon in rankings now.SessionsWithYouTubeVideo.png
- Updated 'How it works' section in ranking pages adding description of ranking filters and information on how to link YouTube videos with sessions.                                          HowItWorks.png

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- Record's PvE Sessions and PvP Sessions loads asynchronously now. It should speed up profile loading time even more.
- Adjusted several pages to low resolutions on mobile devices. Don't hesitate to report if there are still UX problems on different resolutions.
- Created About page: https://myaion.eu/About
- Created maintenance page. You should be informed about future website maintenance in a more friendly way instead of getting an error 404 :)

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We have recorded 1 743 696 PvE sessions in our database since PvE Rankings were launched. As previously announced it's time to start removing old sessions, from previous patches which are not the record ones. We hid sessions which are not part of rankings and are not linked with youtube videos. These sessions will be permanently removed 23.04.2023 around 12:00 CEST time. You have a few days to double check that your record's sessions are not missing. If you still want to link one of the old sessions which is not part of the rankings with a youtube video, please send me a DM.

We will keep your best sessions for each boss, for each update and on top of that all sessions from the current patch.

The clean up is required to make a space for future sessions.

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- Separated Spritmaster's Pet Auto-Attacks from Player's Auto-Attacks. Pet's Auto-Attacks will be displayed with icon_petattack.png  icon.
- Improved equipped items detection: dpsmeter will detect equipped items previously stored in warehouse, pet bag etc without relogging.
- Fixed bug when some pre 6.0 weapons were not detected after switching weapons.
- Fixed looted items detection in Loot Table for both retail 8.3+ and classic 2.5+.
- Updated classic data paks.

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- Added option to display unassigned damage to any players. It can be enabled in App Settings. As you might know, we are unable to assign some of the activation effect's damage to players. These are: Apply Lethal Venom, Promise of Wind, Blessing of Wind, Blessing of Fire and godstones. The reason for that is because Classic game protocol doesn't contain information about the source of these effects when they are sent from server to client. However, this damage is still registered and can be viewed when you enable this feature and select "Unassigned Damage" below the Players List.UnassignedDamage.png
- Fixed bug when DPS meter didn't start when Npcap was not installed. Now a message will be displayed with information about the potential source of the problem and a link to Npcap download.
- Excluded new 0 motion skills from Animation Speed check: Shulack Bomb, 천둥의 발걸음 I, 신속의 방패 I, 육체 증강 I, Seething Explosion V, Victory Mantra V, 대자연의 로브 I, 번개타 II, 원기 충전 I, Absorb Energy V, Light of Rejuvenation V, Taunt V.

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4-Year Anniversary Update
- MyAion DPS meter works in 64 bits on x64 machines now!
- Players and NPCs' active buffs and debuffs are now displayed in Skills Rotation and Damage Distribution. When a ranked PvE session is started then it switches to total buffs and debuffs with counter of usages during the session.                                                           Buffs.png
- Summons, Spirits and Energies auto-attacks are displayed separately now.Summons.png
- Reworked navigation between Online and Local Profile. It should be easier to navigate to the desired type of profile and understand which one is displayed by having new buttons on the profile info bar and new indicators in the top right corner of the profile page.Profiles.png
- Added option to copy item rolls by right mouse clicking on the rolls list. There are two options: Copy Rolls (all) - simply copy all rolls with better format to paste it outside of the game, Copy Rolls (limited) - copies 255 characters, so it can be pasted in the game.                   Rolls.png
- Added extra scroll bar for item rolls list and limited height of the table to show max 6 rolls at the same time.
- ESC button can unselect players from the list. It can be useful to display Loot Table for all players together.
- DPS meter switch protocol version (Live / Classic) when loading saved sessions of different protocol versions. Note: It's possible to load sessions of different protocol versions only when the DPS meter is in offline mode.
- Sessions downloaded from the website (if recorded on DPS meter version) should display Unassigned Damage after loaded into DPS meter (if feature is enabled in App Settings).
- The Amount of unassigned damage is displayed now.                                                  AmountOfUnassignedDamage.png
- DoT (Damage over Time) skills are also assigned to NPCs on Classic now.NPCDoTs.png
- Fixed Tahabata ranking. It's possible to upload PvE sessions from Tahabata once again.
- Fixed buffs and debuffs decoding for KR 8.4 version.
- Fixed style of all tooltips to be aligned with the chosen theme.
- Excluded new 0 motion skills from Classic Animation Speed check:  전투의 주문 I, 번개 보호막 II, Word of Life V, Rune Knife V.

Edited by Livo-KT
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- Loot Table tracks items looted by pet now.
- Fixed bug when Loot Table showed incorrect amount of looted consumable items when it was consumed in between two loot actions.
- Fixed bug when Clean option didn't reset looted item counter.
- Fixed group filter for Classic.
- Fixed alliance filter for Classic.

Please update your Npcap to the newest version 1.75: https://npcap.com/dist/npcap-1.75.exe. It fixes a bug which could cause sessions not being uploaded to MyAion.
Loopback Adapter users (Battleping Connection 2, PingZapper, NoPing Routing System Mode 2) should stick to their current version of Npcap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

- Improved communication with MyAion service.
- Fixed bug when actions of out ranked PvE session time frame were included in unassigned damage.
- Updated Classic data paks.
- Switched NA Classic to 2.7 game protocol.
- Added support to new NA Classic server - Nezakan.
- Excluded 0 motion skills from Classic Animation Speed check: 민첩의 숨결 I, 보호의 장막 I, Revival Mantra IV, Summon Divine Crystal IV, 공포의 속박 I, Stamina Restoration III.

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  • Please downgrade your Npcap to version 1.60: https://npcap.com/dist/npcap-1.60.exe. Version 1.70 introduced a bug which might cause your PvE session not being uploaded. This bug is still not fixed in the newest version of Npcap.
    Loopback Adapter users (Battleping Connection 2, PingZapper, NoPing Routing System Mode 2) should stick to their current version of Npcap - 0.9981.

  • It's recommended to disable 'Display position' option in App Settings during heavy load content like sieges. Having it on might lead to DPS meter stop parsing data. Please keep it disabled until it gets optimized.

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  • 2 months later...

Update :

  • Fixed bug when sessions were not uploaded caused by missing time stamps and resulted in a message saying that session is incomplete.
  • Moved installer and update files to external server to offload MyAion server.

New version will be required to upload PvE sessions starting from tomorrow. Please update your DPS meter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

- Added item level information in equipment.
- Added socketed godstone information in weapons.                                EquipmentTooltip.png
- Fixed alternative offhand manastones detection.
- Fixed armfusion manastones detection.
- Fixed armfusion bonuses detection.
- Updated data paks.

- Added Relic Counter. It's available in menu Mode.                                                                    RelicCounter.png
- Fixed amount of manastone slots for balic and abyss items.
- Fixed manastone grade icons.
- Fixed additional manastone slot detection.

New version will be required to upload PvE sessions starting from tomorrow. Please update your DPS meter.

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- Added option to filter targets list.FilterTargetsList.png
- Added option to export session to CSV file.                                                                                                ExportAndStartUpOptions.png
- Added option to launch DPS meter automatically with Windows.
- Added option to restore previously select adapter after waking up PC from sleep.                                                    RestorePreviousAdapter.png
- Added info about number of participants per faction in NPC tooltip.                                                            ParticipantsPerFaction.png
- Fixed Relic AP display format.
- Fixed Copy / Copy All function when in Relic Mode.
- Fixed bug when link to character profile on website was broken.
- Fixed bug when it was not possible to display online profile of battleground participants.
- Fixed bug when buffs were not refreshed on selected target.
- Fixed buffs decoding for KR Classic.

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  • 4 months later...


Adjusted DPS meter communication with MyAion service to be compatible with Couldflare. Starting tomorrow, we will start using Cloudflare for better stability and performance. To continue using MyAion service features in the app, please update your DPS meter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

- Excluded 0 motion skills from Classic Animation Speed check: Crippling Cut IV, Barrier of Severance I.
- Added missing skills and items icons.
- Updated Classic data paks.

- Added option to minimize DPS meter to system tray. Option is available in the menu App -> Minimize to system tray.
- Fixed a bug in the Loot Table when item rolls were not visible in case of stacked items.
- Excluded 0 motion skill from Classic Animation Speed check: Aether's Promise III.

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- Fixed a bug where delayed skill effects could be assigned to the wrong character when several of the same delayed skills were activated on the same target within the delay time window.
- Fixed a bug where drain skill effects were assigned to the wrong character.
- Fixed a bug where a PvE session listed character(s) from the opposite faction.
- Fixed a bug that caused Arena of Glory (FFA) not to be uploaded to the MyAion service.
- Fixed a bug in 2.7+ game protocol where skills with new dash type effects were not parsed.
- Fixed a bug in 2.7+ game protocol where 6v6 battlegrounds displayed the incorrect character race.
- Fixed a bug where a session could become incomplete if the boss's aggro was captured by a long-range auto attack and its packet was received much earlier than the boss's aggro packet.
- Updated data paks.
Starting tomorrow, a new version will be required to upload PvE and PvP sessions. Please update your DPS meter.

Edited by Livo-KT
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  • 2 weeks later...


- Improved performance for Classic 2.5+.
- Improved faction detection in Arena of Cooperation and Classic 2.7+ Dredgion.
- Restored faction detection based on team side for Tiak for Classic 2.7+.
- Fixed a bug that caused Damage Distribution to be displayed incorrectly in Relic Mode.
- Fixed equipment decoding when inspecting a character in Classic 3.0.
- Fixed characters abyss ranking decoding in Classic 3.0.
- Updated data paks.

- Added information about the Oath Skill in items for Live servers.Oath.png

- Character's faction, class, rank and level should be updated more frequently on the website based on information sent along with the battleground status.

Starting tomorrow, a new version will be required to upload PvE/PvP sessions and character details. Please update your DPS meter.

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- Added option to expand app from right to left instead of default left to right expansion behaviour. It should help users who prefer to keep app close to the right edge of the screen.RightToLeftExpand.png
- Added option in App Settings to change font size. There are 5 sizes available.FontSize.png
- Skills Rotation and Damage Distribution are loaded asynchronously now. Navigation between tabs should be faster.
- Character's legion should be updated more frequently on the website based on information sent along with the battleground status.
- Fixed a bug where Unassigned Damage was not filtered by the selected target.
- Fixed a bug where offline profile was opened instead of online one - when using context menu on selected character.
- Fixed a bug where a link to website profile was broken in offline profile after loading session from a file.
- Updated Classic data paks.

Starting tomorrow, a new version will be required to upload PvE/PvP sessions and character details. Please update your DPS meter.

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