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Will transformation contracts we bought from Secretive Merchant remain with us?


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Subj. So many event items  seem to be deleted in these new patches, many that have such warning in their description in fact are not deleted, so I want to know exactly. I lost about 10 Ice Prisms on the Snowball event cause I needed some time to think how to distribute them between characters before opening them :( Today I bought a random Legendary transformation contract for 400 tr. coins and many cheap transformation contracts on other accounts. I need to concentrate before opening these contracts! 

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6 minutes ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Transformation contracts are account-wide. There is no reason for you to "concentrate" because if you open it on one toon, it will count toward all your other toons on that account.

Yes, I understand it's account-wide. I need to concentrate as a person playing the game on this account. I have 2 magical characters and 6 physical ones here. There  is a physical  Pixel transformation, speed 61%, and no magical one like that. Tahabata and Viola were my results opening magical transformations and they are slow :( So I need to concentrate to be lucky,  to open it as Bolvig or Veille. 

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Just Open it on any Character, you will still have it on all the toons you have in that account,  you dont need to "concentrating" thinking you will get the Legendary or Ultimate Transformation you want by just "Concentrating" on a Random Legendary (10 Types Rng Contract ).  -.-"

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