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Cleric dps set BoS or AP


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Apollon/BoS set for dps in PvE settings.

AP set for dps in PvP settings. You can use AP set in both (PvE defense doesn't matter as much since you're a ranged dps and you barely get hit usually), but you definitely shouldn't use BoS in both because you'll get destroyed in under 5 hits (since PvP defense actually makes a difference).

You'll want a staff with that- AP works for both (obviously you'll not beat dps records since you'll miss out on ~10% pve atk but it does the job just fine) while Apollon/BoS (chanter) staff works for PvE exclusively.

And in case you're looking for discussions about chanter staff vs cleric mace in PvE dpsing, there's this thread:


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On 9.11.2017 at 2:27 AM, GenericUser106 said:

Apollon/BoS set for dps in PvE settings.

AP set for dps in PvP settings. You can use AP set in both (PvE defense doesn't matter as much since you're a ranged dps and you barely get hit usually), but you definitely shouldn't use BoS in both because you'll get destroyed in under 5 hits (since PvP defense actually makes a difference).

You'll want a staff with that- AP works for both (obviously you'll not beat dps records since you'll miss out on ~10% pve atk but it does the job just fine) while Apollon/BoS (chanter) staff works for PvE exclusively.

And in case you're looking for discussions about chanter staff vs cleric mace in PvE dpsing, there's this thread:


Ty for the help, after I saw how the 5.8 ap set work I think I will wait with pvp mb set and just upgrade as fast as I can MR set, and use bos or apollon for mb pve for now... maybe I will get another arena set to try it for pvp dps

Btw there is point in enchenting mr or block set? (I enchent mine always) buts its not give more mr or block 

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You want to fully enchant both your block and your mr PvP armors to give you more HP, physical/magical def and strike resist. Improves your chance to survive by tons. 


Though keep in mind, that you MUST enchant your block shield. Enchanting a shield does improve your block. You don't need to enchant your mr shield though.

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On 16.11.2017 at 4:58 PM, Aly-DN said:

You want to fully enchant both your block and your mr PvP armors to give you more HP, physical/magical def and strike resist. Improves your chance to survive by tons. 


Though keep in mind, that you MUST enchant your block shield. Enchanting a shield does improve your block. You don't need to enchant your mr shield though.

I done first the block shild to +10 or +15 then I went to my MR set to +10 as start and in the same time I +5 / +10 my MB set with shining enchent stone and not omegas, the maces I dont enchent only mb mace / staff I will enchent because when u enchent mace u get only mb and attack

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