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Refer A Friend ???


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What is this disgusting event you throw at us? A dead game that has rubbish event rewards with this. The rewards are underwhelming when the other player needs to hit 50 within a month? With no exp event, no value of scrolls (Besides the 60 you throw at them)

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7 hours ago, Swiftlock said:

What is this disgusting event you throw at us? A dead game that has rubbish event rewards with this. The rewards are underwhelming when the other player needs to hit 50 within a month? With no exp event, no value of scrolls (Besides the 60 you throw at them)

How dare you criticise our beloved NC West? This event is so well thought, I already called my family members and a few ex girlfriends to tell them all about it. 


They'll start playing soon too, they promised. 


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No offense but I think they're doing this to give the server's some population but I can not reiterate enough that if we follow the same timeline that Korea follows regarding releasing if patches this game is good as dead

Stuff is sadly being maybe not released too slow but in such little expansions, having dark porta and dredge is just not enough to keep players interest for another foreseeable year when gelk/ing is released.


We need 55 patch to be released at least within the next 3-4 months if this game is gonna make it to 2.0 cause people will be done or burnt out of running dark porta by the end of November and then what, fort instances for another 6 months lol, sry but I'll be long gone playing games like lost ark by that time

Ncsoft screwed themselves hard when they didn't deal with the cheaters and ap traders in the beginning as we had a massive population when the game was free to play but because of the lack to intervene players quit and now we have a massive sink in population and its only going to get worse from this point on

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This refer a friend is a joke.  What kinda reward is administrator boons for a level 50.  I recall when they did this years ago the reward was crowns if your friends made it to 50.  This is a complete joke could literally of made the rewards to refer people more meaningful as such no one in the right mind going to refer people to play this game for administrator boons.  Completely out of touch with the community once again

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I do not believe that any patch makes players stay longer. For once most of the players, regardless of 1.5, 1.7, 2.0 have already been there / done that ages ago and for second because of that weird 1.2 prepatch players are already geared enough to jump straight into DP S from the get go. They will also be geared enough to run Beshmundir for two weeks without issues, grabbing all the gear and cry for new content again. Not denying that 2.0 is a better version overall, but I doubt it changes the larger picture.

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With the way players play games now no content will ever last.  Aion's structure isn't built for that, only if you gave us 4.8 and made it scale to the point where you had to do all 50 content to get geared enough to take on 55, 60, up to 65 etc and make the game truly take months to beat linearly.  Players play games in 2021 to speed run them.  New game?  Beat it as fast as possible.  Grind your heart out, get ahead and to max level the fastest to then throw it to the side in 2 weeks.  Yes we need 1.7 and 1.9 in 2, MAX 3 months after each other, leading into 2.0 in ~6 months, but I don't see it happening.  

This event was a big example in a long list of either not having correct communication between NCWest and NCSoft, not having the staff to handle a situation, being completely out of touch with the player base and what they would enjoy to have and what would make the experience better, etc.  This event in theory works, and though the rewards really don't need to be something amazing for players who are 50, its more about nourishing the new players you are trying to attract into the game.  If you can't even shell out the rewards to support their time into the game, don't even both with the event.  Nobody gives a nyerk about 20 scrolls, it doesn't help, they will not even feel the affect of having them.  Honestly it might have the reverse effect, making them get a taste of greater scrolls, then have them taken away so fast because of the low quantity, then feel like the game is unbearable to play with the clunky feeling of not having any. 

HUGE miss here, extremely disappointed not as a player who would give out the codes, but the fact we cant even support those coming into the game and giving them a good initial experience.

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On 10/21/2021 at 8:41 AM, Azachi-KT said:

No offense but I think they're doing this to give the server's some population but I can not reiterate enough that if we follow the same timeline that Korea follows regarding releasing if patches this game is good as dead

Stuff is sadly being maybe not released too slow but in such little expansions, having dark porta and dredge is just not enough to keep players interest for another foreseeable year when gelk/ing is released.


We need 55 patch to be released at least within the next 3-4 months if this game is gonna make it to 2.0 cause people will be done or burnt out of running dark porta by the end of November and then what, fort instances for another 6 months lol, sry but I'll be long gone playing games like lost ark by that time

Ncsoft screwed themselves hard when they didn't deal with the cheaters and ap traders in the beginning as we had a massive population when the game was free to play but because of the lack to intervene players quit and now we have a massive sink in population and its only going to get worse from this point on

I can agree on some of your points. What I cant agree on is this will not give people the urge to make an account and be level 50 for both of you to get rewards in what was it... 32 days? 
They need to come out with a REAL event that urges people to get come back and get grinding. AP 30% event, 300% Exp Event. Things like these would bring back a lot of players. Not some Refer a Friend where the person referring gets 3 admin boons or whatever.

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the game has been left unattended for way too long, the devs and gm's are out of touch with their player base as you can tell with these absurd events and rewards, ap trading and  cheaters are being given slaps on the wrists so all it does is encourage bad behaviour, myself and my legion decided to quit today as the community is toxic because you can state the problems of the game but people in lfg just say qq and stop being whiny but how can a game that has been out since 2008 still have the same issues, i feel aion classic was a side hustle for whatever their main project is that they're focusing on, at least if gelk/ing would have came out it would have encouraged players to come back as those were solid grounds for PvP but with the population being so low i really doubt it will survive but hey at least if i ever wanted to come back i can and dont have to worry about my account being gone, just sad to see a game that had such potential flop so hard and it's all because of upper management, they have a saying at my work "promote a bunch of clowns and expect a circus" which this is

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