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Must Back Quest items without aura


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Request to modify the collection of mission/quest items. 

At the beginning of the game an aura of 7 days was given, then the aura of one hour each day followed, when the aura finished, we knew that it could not pick up certain things, that it was blue onwards and one thought, well that's fine, later the green objects are removed and one thinks, well it could be worse, but now the white and mission objects cannot be collected without aura, that is very bad, many people stopped playing for that reason, we cannot always have the luxury to buy auras, that desanine in this game that I personally love for years, it would be greatly appreciated if NC access to this.

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Its all about bots , 99% players who playing without Siel Aura are bots . I think its time to remove f2p at all . 7 days siel for free its  all yuo need for whatch the game and make desition , to be or not to be . Ofc quest items should be lootable , i think its bug , they will fix that . 

Today i sow stack of bots 50 lvl , they are moving for farm DC , only one of them have SA . If 15 $ its to expensive for you , better be for all of us if you find another project . I dont whant play with bots ,  NCsoft cant join the game one time per week and perma bann them all by handmade work  , they try resolve  problems with bots without join the game . Thats why Siel Aura have many fixes .

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On 10/28/2021 at 11:12 PM, Serki said:

Request to modify the collection of mission/quest items. 

At the beginning of the game an aura of 7 days was given, then the aura of one hour each day followed, when the aura finished, we knew that it could not pick up certain things, that it was blue onwards and one thought, well that's fine, later the green objects are removed and one thinks, well it could be worse, but now the white and mission objects cannot be collected without aura, that is very bad, many people stopped playing for that reason, we cannot always have the luxury to buy auras, that desanine in this game that I personally love for years, it would be greatly appreciated if NC access to this.

I could not agree with you more, NC's idea of Free 2 Play (F2P) is complete and total BS. As a F2P player you are not allowed to pick up any loot basically unless and I quote "junk or less" and to me that is a real nyerk YOU to anyone that would like to just enjoy the game and play at their own leisure without having  the need to punch a time clock to play a damn game. I only play for 1 single hour just so that I can get the armor styles from Kromede's Trial (KT) and this is my nyerk YOU to NC and their F2P BS. I plan on using their system against them just as all of NC's gold spamming bots have been from the launch date, then after that I will not give 2 shits about this game. You maybe asking yourself why is my only goal the style of the Corrupt Judge because to me it is the best looking armor in the game for the most part, also 12 years ago I considered KT to be one of the toughest solo instances on the game specially for my Sorc. However for the female characters not all of the armor is very flattering and to be honest the Corrupt Judge armor can make some of the female characters look very slutty and I really do not like that at all.  NC may not be F2P but Aion Classic is definitely Pay 2 Win (P2W) and NC proved this from day 1 with those Tiger Candies. I knew people that payed thousands of dollars to basically to go from 1 - 50 in a week's time as well as have their craft maxed out.  I could keep on ranting for hours, however I think I will stop here.. Hope all of ya have a great and blessed day. 


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