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Weekly Server Maintenance - November 30, 2022 [Aion Classic]


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So, ncsoft team had decide to keep quite and reply any feedback via support using fix templates (any feedback send it seem to be toking to a robot builder back in the IRC days)… hello, we have AI bot to reply things nowadays so please del that IRC script form your support server…. 

with the reset, you had cause us to lose enough medal for 1 small pcs of 55e armor at least… at least back in retail, they would have human thinking of how to provide some items to cover their backside. But guess the new team in NCwest doesn’t need to do so… they only need to learn how to copy, paste and send reply…

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I mean if the player base comes together we all can literally go on a strike. As funny as it sounds it'll give them three options. 
1. Listen to us and actually communicate and give NA the treatment it deserves.
2. Just say eff it and shut down the servers since there is a good chunk of us that believes they'll do so.
3. Things remain the same but it is possible we all found different games to better put time into.

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Thank you for reporting this incident.
We understand that their behavior can be frustrating and we appreciate your patience as these investigations take time. After we investigate the matter, we will take appropriate action based on our findings.
However, please understand that privacy concerns prevent us from discussing our methods or the results of our findings.
Thank you for your time and understanding.

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NCWest are going to get a very  rude awakening when GameForge releases EU Classic. A large portion, if not the majority, of NA players are going to move there. Will GF do a better job than NC at managing Aion? Who knows, but thousands of people, including the fed up NA playerbase, are going to give them a chance. The bar is in hell considering how awful of a job NCWest is doing right now.

Good luck NC, you've got a few months to get your act together before EU completely crushes you. Can't say we haven't been begging you to do better here on NA only for everything we say to fall on deaf ears.

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On 12/1/2022 at 11:04 AM, Londo-DN said:

stop paying your aura and buying things from the shop, then they will notice the mistake they made

I bet they don't.

At least a thousand players, mostly Spanish speaking I notices, have left to play on other servers, the reasons have been mentioned many times in these forums.


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