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Looking for Armsfusion Help and information.


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Could someone present updated information for Armsfusion? The old forum had some information, but it may be outdated, and it is not easy to find.

  • Augmented Weapons can not be fused with Condition Weapons.
  • The higher level weapon must be on top; however, the level of a weapon is it's level after any level reduction has been applied. 
  • A level 77 weapon reduced to level 75 cannot be placed on top of a lv 76 weapon. [Needs to be confirmed.]


  1. What stats do we get from the secondary/lower weapon?
  2. Do we get the higher stat (listed just below) of the two weapons or a formula that combines them?
  3. Accuracy,
  4. Magical accuracy,
  5. Attack,
  6. Crit Strike/Spell,
  7. Magic Boost
  8. Are any of the stats from the lower weapon ignored?

Thank-you for any information you can provide.


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Correct, but lets word it better. Level Reduction does not affect the actual level of the item, for instance, a level 80 weapon will still be a level 80 weapon. Also, level difference does not seem to affect the stats if it is used as an undercombine. Other than that, the specifications for armfusion are still the same since it was introduced in 2.x.

You gain the yellow numbers, the bonus stats from the secondary weapon. The only stats that are not added are PvP/PvE stats and white numbers. And attack speed or casting speed if the primary weapon already has one of them, but it will still give the stat that doesnt have. For instance, if the primary has attack speed, and secondary has cast speed, the result will have both. Finally, all these rules do not apply to conditioning/augmenting. The result weapon gains ALL stats given by them.

Also, there was a 5.6 or 5.8 patch that allowed fusion between conditioning and augmenting... Did we get it already or is my memory failing? 

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On 22/2/2018 at 11:33 PM, MayBlue-DN said:

Could someone present updated information for Armsfusion? The old forum had some information, but it may be outdated, and it is not easy to find.

  • Augmented Weapons can not be fused with Condition Weapons.
  • The higher level weapon must be on top; however, the level of a weapon is it's level after any level reduction has been applied. 
  • A level 77 weapon reduced to level 75 cannot be placed on top of a lv 76 weapon. [Needs to be confirmed.]


  1. What stats do we get from the secondary/lower weapon?
  2. Do we get the higher stat (listed just below) of the two weapons or a formula that combines them?
  3. Accuracy,
  4. Magical accuracy,
  5. Attack,
  6. Crit Strike/Spell,
  7. Magic Boost
  8. Are any of the stats from the lower weapon ignored?

Thank-you for any information you can provide.


  1. Correct - Augment + Condition cannot be armsfused
  2. Correct - Higher level weapon is always on top, Same level weapons can be on top either way (e.g. two lvl 75 weapons, can get either way)
  3. Wrong - A level 77 weapon reduced to level 75 cannot be placed on top of a lv 76 weapon
  • Example: 77 lvl weapon (base) cannot be on top of a provenance weapon (base lvl 80) reduced to 75. The base level of a weapon is its armsfusion level permanently, no matter the reduction stones. The reduction stones only give the stats the ability to be used 100% or less depending on character's level.
  1. What stats do we get from the secondary/lower weapon?
    You get 10% of the base m.attack, m.boost, p.attack of the lower weapon and it is seen inside the brackets.

    Test. <Adma Spellbook> alone.
    ...and imbued with itself (another adma SB beneath)

    Notice how inside the brackets you see (102), that is the integer number of 10% of the 1026 (102,6 -> 102)

    Also according to the above example you seem to get the average of the m.attack, see how m.attack is 286-317? The armsfused weapon gave +30.
    Formula: (286 + 317)/2 = 301,5 (ths is the average) so the second weapon gives 301,5 * 10% = 30,15 -> rounded to 30

    If the secondary weapon got enchants, thus having its m.boost increased then the enchants are discarded, armsfusing a +0 weapon below has the exact same rewards to armsfusing the same weapon below but +15. The first weapons' enchants are not affected in any way in armsfusion.

    ATTENTION: inside the brackets you also see the additional m.boost/p.attack when you enchant it, example of this SB enchanted to +1

    ...so do not get confused if your weapon is +15 because the number in the brackets has the armsfused weapon's 10% bonus AND the enchants on your main weapon.

    Any augments or conditions, are carried EXACTLY as they are, unaltered, no matter what they give you. They do carry on and do not collide with the other weapon.

    You also get the Option Stats (stats beneath the first line) and above second line) you get those 100% as they are, with some exceptions which will be explained below.

    First see how the second Adma SB gave the additional stats under the line to the final armsfused weapon:

    Notice though that the Casting Speed +20% is grayed, because that is one of the stats that do not stack with the same effect from the other armsfused weapon.
    --> Two weapons with c.speed armsfused: you get the effect that is higher, if the below weapon has 20% c.speed while the top has only 19% c.speed, you keep the low weapon's c.speed (20%) and the top weapon's c.speed (19%) will be grayed. If two weapons with c.speed have the same bonus, then you keep the above weapon (like in the above photo). If the top weapons has more c.speed than the lower, then you keep the top again, since it is the higher.

    --> Attack speed bonus have the exact same rule to the above with c.speed

    --> 1 weapon with c.speed armsfused with 1 weapon with attack speed, you get both (like my weapon 80 lvl AP upgraded SB +20% c.speed armsfused with Provenance +19% attack speed, I get both, nothing i grayed)

    --> PvP bonus: TWO weapons with pvp bonus, the pvp bonus that is in the additional stats of the weapon that you get (below the 1st line stats) applies with the same rule as c.speed/a.speed
         you keep the higher stat only.
    --> PvE bonus, TWO weapons with pve bonus... same as above
    --->Pvp + PvE: one weapon with pvp and one weapon with pve, you get both effects 100% unaltered, since they are not the same type.
    --> Notice: PvP/PvE bonus that is in the augment/condition stats though do carry 100% unaltered and they do not collide with anything else.

    Do we get the higher stat (listed just below) of the two weapons or a formula that combines them?
  2. Accuracy
    you keep main weapon's accuracy and all the accuracies you might have beneath the first line and in conditions/augments
  3. Magical accuracy
    same as above
  4. Attack
    you keep the attack of above weapon at 100% and get 10% of the base p.attack of the below weapon (as I explained in the images)
    if there is any additional p.attack below the 1st line in Option Stats or in conditions/augments, then it simply carries 100% unaltered.
  5. Crit Strike/Spell
    This stat only exists below the line and/or augments and conditions so it carries along 100% unaltered
  6. Magic Boost
    Same as Attack, main weapon m.boost is kept 100%, the lower weapon's base m.boost carries 10% and everything below in the Option Stats and conditions/augments carries 100%
  7. Are any of the stats from the lower weapon ignored?
    Yes, main stats (above the 1st line) are all ignored except m.attack, m.boost, p.attack which carry on as 10%
    Additionally, pvp/pve bonus in the Options Stats is ignored if the other weapon has the same or higher bonus of the same type
    C.speed/attack speed is ignored if the other weapons has the same bonus but higher or equal.
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