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What to do after hitting 70?


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So I'm almost at 70. My question is, will people take a rather "newbie" in the lvl 55 gear from Enshar with them to the Tower of Eternity instances or any high end stuff? I want to get decently geared on my gunner so I at least have some resistance against high lvl mobs later. (And maybe some pvp'ers who ganked my ass too much while trying to do my dailies)



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I'd start by doing AoE as Bryos said. CoE 2B (Cradle 2 bosses) should also be possible if you find a group that is fine with a sort-of carry. Try to get some of your Apollon pieces from boss drops in the latter (shoulders/gloves/boots/pants), and buy the missing pieces (Weapon/Chest) with the Golden Wing Marks you'll get from doing both instances. You'll also want to start doing the weekly quests at the artifact bases in Iluma and Norsvold.

Once you have your Apollon set down and decently upgraded (+10 or up) I'd say you are set for Bastion of Souls full runs. Those will drop the soulstones you'll need to upgrade your Apollon pieces into Master Harvester.

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