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Minions and Pets, disappear from the skill bar


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recently, I have seen that my minions and pets see disappear of the skill bar even being locked, usually when I enter in instances, and I must drag them again for the skill bar, it can be a bug I do not know .... but that is boring is, I always need to use the minions and skills ... 

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Me too. From time to time (4 or 5 times a year), I must open the Pets list then re-drag the Summon Pet icons back onto the hot bars.

The Summon Pet icons disappear after a game client crash but not every time after a crash.

On 3/4/2018 at 11:13 PM, 1s36C00C-DN said:

usually when I enter in instances, and I must drag them again for the skill bar

I have never lost the Summon Pet icons by entering an instance. Have you changed any settings of files in your Aion folder?

Example: Have you checked, or un-checked, the "Read Only" Property of a file in your Aion folder?

If you have changed any Property Settings of a file in your Aion folder, you may want to change the settings back.


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