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My suggestion to everyone's happiness (Tia EYE)

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Hello , 

We do know the reason you took the event off , we know it wouldn't be good for you in the future when it comes to money and the game's economy , but let's be honest , you guys harmed a lot of players when some of them exchanged their coins , but the other ones , they didn't. A lot of them enjoyed the benefits of the event by buying omega stones , manastones , and purify itens. We know very well that the farm for the itens to purify Prime is not easy at all , and this event would be a way for everyone to get an update on their gear , and that would let the PvP a lot better. I know the event wont come back in the same way , and I know the itens wont be in the same coin value , so I have a suggestion.

Why don't you guys bring back the NPC coin , so the people who farmed would be able to spend it , not being harmed or being behind of the ones who exchanged it before , that would be the only way to keep the same level when it comes to the players , without harming anyone , since you didn't do a rollback. So , the only way everyone would be fine is the equality , by activating the NPC , even if it's only for a day , that would sabe like 90% of the players who lost like 12 hours f farming.

Thanks for the attention , and please , respect your players who dedicate their money and time on the game.


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And how does that help those that had work or were in classes and didn't get more than an hour of farming in? How does allowing an even larger portion of the player base to abuse a bug help? That's really not equal. That's making the problem bigger.

The level 80 purified gear was never meant to be easy. And up until yesterday, it wasn't. Making things slightly easier is fine. Making it nyerk easy really isn't.

I honestly don't think there is a way at this point for NCWest to fix this mess. Do they contain it, open it up to everyone or what?

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3 hours ago, Aly-DN said:

And how does that help those that had work or were in classes and didn't get more than an hour of farming in? How does allowing an even larger portion of the player base to abuse a bug help? That's really not equal. That's making the problem bigger.

The level 80 purified gear was never meant to be easy. And up until yesterday, it wasn't. Making things slightly easier is fine. Making it nyerk easy really isn't.

I honestly don't think there is a way at this point for NCWest to fix this mess. Do they contain it, open it up to everyone or what?

By letting people redeem the rewards according to the amount they farmed? If you had rl things to do and could only log in for a couple hours thats too bad (and happens on every event that allows farming), those who stayed on for 14h looting fats do deserve more than you because they played more and as for now did it all for nothing.

I believe that ncsoft will just change the coin drops and increase the price for the rewards since it is just the laziest fix they can do.

As one of those that had other things to do I only have around 70 coins wich translated to 7 omegas and it is safe to assume that I'll get even less after the nerf, so how would bringing the npc back be any worse for me?

Edit: I do agree that the rewards were too good, but removing the npc before removing the event was just wrong.

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Well. I understand your point and actually I still have all my coins with me. (not so many of them, cause I was in a league doing that for just 1 hour ). Yet IMO, is not the best solution. Cause even if i can get 12 omegas in that way, I think that will not help with the balance. 

The event was there just few hours. That means that some players had enought time to farm a lot of coins, and some were busy and wasn´t able to even see the eye again after years. 

I am trying to think what could happen if we have the event just like it was for at least 2 weeks. I believe that a lot of people will come there for the first days trying to farm all the required omegas and manastones, but after few days those items will face a heavy price reduction. So maybe at day 4 or 5, omegas could be at 20M on broker. The manastones will require a little more time cause we need so many. Yet, with the redution on the prices some players will start thinking about doing instances and other things again. (farming 1B in items each hour is great, but if the amount drops to 100M, well you have more things to do too). 

2 weeks it is also a nice time even for casual players or people who works and they will have enught time to collect what they want. 

Finally we will have some players still farming those all day long all the weeks. They will farm hundreds of items and they will be seeling them at low prices. We always had farmers and gatherers. Some people really enjoy doing that.  With the reduction in prices for omegas, temperings and manastones, more people will start requiring more gear to enchant, so probably endgame gear will increase their price and more people will be doing those instances. Probably they will buy scrolls from BCM to do more runs. They will sell gear and will buy omegas from farmers. Also we will need more level reduction stones, so our money will probably go to lunas to get some of them. Maybe we will buy some felicitous too. 

So, IMO the game will find a balance again even if this event continues. Will be a different balance than now, but yet will be fine. 

To be honest I think that having this just few hours is the most unfair situation possible, and that situation is what we have now. 

suggestion: if the drop is too high, you can reduce the amount of coins from bags from 3 to 1. Or you can modify the drop rate from fatties from 100% to 25-30%. You do not need Korea for that thing. But if you do that, please increase the boxes respawn rate or the quantity. 

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