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A V A L A N C H E - Katalam Asmodian (recruiting all)


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Hello all! Since our last post on forums a lot has changed!

For example, we are now no longer on the Siel server, but moved to Katalam with the merge.
Other things have not changed at all: we are still a friendly casual legion on the asmodian side.
We're still looking for new and returning players to help out, and we still have no level or gear restrictions.

All we ask is that you are:

  • sociable
  • english speaking (just a lil is okay)
  • willing to help out others (no elitism)

We offer a friendly environment to level up, quest and gear - but we are very casual.
This means we do not host static runs, but on the plus side we do not push our members either ^_^

We also have a community going on our Discord (feel free to click on the link if you are curious about us).
It has guides to the new patch, and members online at most times to answer all your questions.

How to apply to our legion?

  • press G (if you're not in legion) or go to the menu -> community -> search legion
  • add ' A V A ' in the search bar, or simply scroll down till you find us (we're in the top 50!)


  • most of the time, legion will be on 'join now' so you can enter right away!
  • if not, your application will be handled soon by one of the deputies
  • lastly, if you see one of our deputies online, you can also whisper them!

We're looking forward to see you ingame, and are glad to have you around! :D

Link to our previous posting that got slightly outdated:


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