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An ideea to help players


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Legendary PVP stones are hard to get and if you get 1 or 2 and try upgrade one fails one upgrade and result after 3 months people that can't catch sieges are on golds. I am talking about majority i do know some are on legendary some on full ultimate gear. Good for them but can you please decrease lower purify form +15 to +10 to have a chance to get legendary. 

Soon will be 7.0 in about 6-7 months right and if in 3 months only few made it to purify and events are really a joke one legendary stone at 1 week that can fail as well..snowballs will be same..untradeble things and hard to get. Made 6 +9 snowballs and all failed so enchant rate is as bad as enchanting gear.

Kinah hard to get ,enchanting is like impossible, hard to get pvp stones...this is no more fun..at all

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They should add a way to the merchant who sells the ancient enchant stones to allow exchanges.

Exchange 10 ancient stones to get 1 legendary, and 10 legendaries for 1 ultimate.

Might be 20 stones for 1 as well, but this would help alot.

Then even people in legendary gear still have a use for ancient stones and will keep doing camps and weeklies to get genesis crystals.

As soon as you get full legendary gear, what do you do to get better atm? Camps won't help out at all, as well as weeklies because those don't give anything you can use.

Where can you even find 1 ultimate pvp enchant stone? Nobody has even seen one.

This way, everybody has a chance to get them. All you need to do, is keep doing weeklies and camps.

Just waiting for siege to happen and a few pvp dungeons that "might" give one is a bad way to keep legendary/ultimate geared players busy.


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Yes Bardey your idea is great. I just hope someone from NCSoft will read it.

If this patch wanna help new players to make fast lv 80 they should also help on gear up or else they will leave as soon they come.

I play this since 2012 and this patch is first patch i seriously think of quitting aion cause is no fun anymore.

I hope more players agree on this so NCSoft will take into consideration. 

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On 16/12/2018 at 3:57 PM, Bardey-KT said:

They should add a way to the merchant who sells the ancient enchant stones to allow exchanges.

Exchange 10 ancient stones to get 1 legendary, and 10 legendaries for 1 ultimate.

Might be 20 stones for 1 as well, but this would help alot.

That is a new feature in 7.0 the exchange will be 5 ancient to 1 legendary and 3 legendary to 1 ultimate, but you will need to do quests in order to gather an aditional material for the exchange.

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