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Dear Daeva Friends & Foe :)


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Dear Daeva Friends & Foe,  

We hope our message finds you well during this time of great need.  

The reason we are reaching out is about fostering the Aion community and further game development. 


 To be more specific, there is a vision for the future on Aion, built on our memories and relationships that mean so much to each one of us. That vision involves everyone, from legions, to game staff, solo, RP, and hardcore players; to unite and defeat Ereshkigal, defeat her faster, better, more strongly than we ever have done before.  

The 6.5 objective: 

 - save the most time, earn the most treasure, and save us from running around not knowing what to do 

 - focus on the people that focus on you 


- come: to the community stream event  

- as we write this: leaders of our community have been coming together to host this event - learn: from everyone who will share all that they know   



Perma link: https://discord.gg/3HMcfe7

Just in case, secondary link:



- Saturday 03/23/2019 - TODAY | 19:30 Server time // 07:30 PM Server time

* start gathering after the fortress has gone invulnerable

* turn down the Groovy bot if there is music meanwhile - Stream |  
- Community event  

- Intelligence Team 
- Operations Team 
- The Brigade Generals 
- The PVP Kings & Queens  

- The PVE Kings & Queens 
- The Content Creators  

- The Secret Service (official staff) 


This is an effort to sustain this most precious game, community, and all our relationships and make difference in the gaming world LET US SUPPORT EACH OTHER MORE THAN WE EVER HAVE Because success means nothing if you’re alone.  

Warmly, with a step in the right direction.  

As we speak dedicated members of the community are gathering everything they can to make this experience and every experience in the future the absolute best! 
- please share our appreciation for everyone who is continuing to make this all possible: 
we are incredibly grateful for: Arcii, Athreo, Heichou, Melchi, Zhyrna, PrinceKuli, ZipZap, Jennie, Patkica, Healgasm, Ravenlore.... 






List will be updated soon based on participation tonight 


Please join iZerg radio – starting at 10:30 PM Server time  



Instance and patch links – we will go through some together ? : 



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I first wanted to say thank you for doing this, and I truly appreciate seeing the love for our community!  I hope your invitation also extends to KT daevas.  I posted this in our legion discord so it would be seen by more people.  I will get to go home on my lunch for siege and I can post in LFG on Katalam if you would like.  I am honestly a little sad I wont be able to attend, but perhaps the next time!  Thank you again for stepping up and bringing us all a little closer together! *huggles* and ?

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@Amarah-KT We would love that! And thank you so much for doing so!  We would like everyone who enjoys the game and feels the need to share the love to join and support the game. 

Personally, a lot of people are coming back and I came back 3 months ago, I am a devoted player and enjoy both PvE and PvP content. 

PrinceKuli, is an amazing templar and an amazing person who will be talking today along with all of us :)

Elyos or Asmo - AION players - come and lets meet up. It is for fun, #ForTheGame

This game still lives after this long, let us show NCSOFT that we care, and want great updates and that we are willing to help out as players. 

Sometimes a little bit of nice spice is all we need <3 :$

Anyone from ex Tiamat server <3  < Dratto is back :D Hit me up if we know each other pls !

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:/ A personal apology for all additional links that may be there that were put by my own will to share and help people's streams and entertainment based on Aion.


For any next time we do this - Please send a message to PrinceKuli or ZipZap for now in Aion or Discord and we will gladly help out with promotions.


It was coming from a place of respect and I hope it's not causing any issues. Post can not be deleted or edited at this point for some reason.


Thank you for understanding. 

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(There will be typos) 

Dear GM Staff & NC Soft & Aion Players Friend and Foe, 

I hope my message finds you well this special Saturday. The reason for this reply is to address some very special members of the Aion community. To be more specific, I would like to express deep gratitude, as well as offer an apology with my sincerest regards.   

In gratitude: I humbly, and in late fashion, I thank NC Soft, GM Staff, Content Creators, Streamers, Community Engagers, Community representatives, Veteran Players, Governors, Generals, Officers, New Players near and far. I am thankful to you all because each individual person is and has been a part of building the most memorable times within this amazing digital world of Aetria which is home to so many. I am also thankful because the feeling of community and excitement has never felt as amazing as it does now, and is all praise to each one of you that has put in vast amounts of hard work, dedication, grinding, development, legion building, and incredible siege battles from the Abyss to Lakrum. Moreover, for all of the hard work, community building and wonderful people that I have had to honor and privilege to connect with, there is so much more to the game and each person that I know nothing about; therefore I deeply respect what I have experienced, and deeply respect all that goes on behind the scenes that I am currently unaware of. 

In apology with my sincerest regards: May I ask you to consider accepting my honest apology. I apologize to each one of you whom I had referenced above. I apologize because this community event was produced within an extremely short time frame, and we were not able to reach out to each one of you to ask your thoughts, to ask what your level of comfort with this is, to ask how you may interested in contributing to these special times. You all, were not included in the initial developmental conversations. Thus, even if you were all to objectively decline an invitation at this time, surely we should have given you the respect to decline personally; instead of requesting your support so close to the end of the current patch. In light of this, I acknowledge with great admiration all that you have done for us, spent for us, played with us over all of these years. 

Lastly, as some of us may already know, the game is in an exciting yet mysterious status, and we all desire for this game and community to continue to grow and expand because it is a second home to many of us. For too long, we let the future of Aion depend on only a small few. That was a responsibility they took upon their heart to grow. Now, all of us, must do our part! 
To take action, to be a voice in the future of how this game will be. Drastic as it may sound, drastic decisions were made, the patch is so close, and this will be just a small boulder, in the building of whatever we want it to be. 

Again, with respect, regards, and a humble look to the future, I appreciate you all. 

Let us do more than we ever have before. 

Warmly & Sincerely, 

Clumsiest Tank NA: Prince Kuli 

(please forgive my horrible writing) 

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Yes this is what the original post is all about, he kept asking for forgiveness and thanked the lords, leaders, gods and daemons for a reason I didn't understand.

I apologize for apologizing to those who I didn't apologize in the first place because I had to apologize to myself.

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If you dont mind I would love to find a time we could talk about your ideas.  As @Arhangelos-KT said earlier the event was very vague and it would be helpful to know the purpose.  Whether it is for meeting up in discord and sharing screenshots, map races, karaoke, pvp contests would be helpful to know for advertising. With most items being untradeable now its difficult to offer rewards for contests. I have heard of many fun events legion leaders do with members to help morale in the game I would also like to help with organizing events if you need a nooberlin! And thank you again for making the effort to make our digital world a better place!  Recent transfers have also lead to me having more pieces of my heart on DN.  Luckily discord is a great way to involve both servers and reach more daevas.  

I am mostly curious on your ideas of how to get them to listen to us.  The Aion gods regularly tell us in our tickets to bring our ideas to the forums; seemingly just to give our input a place to die and wither away.  To the point that the size of the community in our game is dwindling as we speak.  There needs to be a way we can truly be heard and stop losing people over stupid things.

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I would love this too, and in my own opinion I would love people who are really interested to join again and just talk and create :)

We should think of a time to do so ^_^

For now, the discord shared above serves as a meetup place, it definitely has to be updated with more channels/specific chat channels which would be a good topic as well. 

Talking for myself here, but I would love all to participate and lead - but hit me up on ZipZap [Dratto] in discord if you ever would like to chat.

https://discord.gg/3HMcfe7  < Aion's Realm discord - for everyone 

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