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Auto switch weapons


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Let our characters auto switch weapons when you use a skill that totally need a different weapon than current one.Like a gunner switch from pistols to a cannon.

If skills that can use by multiple weapons,let us set default weapon for that skill.Make it happen please :D

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12 hours ago, lKei-DN said:

yeah that would be awesome,it should be implemented, especially on gunners, because i sometimes double press the shift+z during pvp out of intensity and still remain on pistol instead of cannon.

Yep because shift+z have like 1-2 second delay,I know you can switch before you actually use cannon skill but that's just not worth it.It's benefit to many classes such as templar greatsword,sword/shield,glad polearms/sword.shield even ranger where you can auto use counter attack with daggers and switch back with bow ;) (Even sorc/sm can benefit from this by using MA weapons on CC skills and back to magic attack weapons when using attack skills)

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