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Mass DCing


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5 hours ago, UselessWildfire-KT said:

Unlucky, though suspicious that every time it happens Momo is in it and he himself doesn't get disconnected.

It's happening for both sides. Same happened with IWW long ago (once I was one in my ally who was online while everyone was dced, opposite side was dced as well).

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6 hours ago, UselessWildfire-KT said:

Unlucky, though suspicious that every time it happens Momo is in it and he himself doesn't get disconnected.

as Aroch said, happens on both sides. 

I think the mass DC is more related to the activity in EC than to somebody in particular. It seems that the game can not support 100+ players actively playing. The runs with Momo are active. When he leads more Elyos are playing. I was on his alliance and saw mass DC on our side too. Maybe is easier to the game to handle a lot of AFK people. And to be honest, I guess is a bit paranoid to think that 1 player can do something to disconect other people. I also saw people complaining about mass DCs in sieges. So I really think is related with the number of players in one place at the same time. 

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Mass DCs in Evergale have nothing to do with one player.

I have heard (though I have not noticed) that before the DCs happen there is a flash on the screen that says something about you not being in an internet cafe. So the theory is that there is a script that is running in the game that gives those in an internet cafe something special and when the game detects that we are getting that special thing but aren't in an internet cafe, it disconnects us. Of course, that script should be totally shut off for our version of the game and apparently isn't.


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On 2/23/2018 at 8:22 PM, UselessWildfire-KT said:

Unlucky, though suspicious that every time it happens Momo is in it and he himself doesn't get disconnected.

Check urself before u rek urself the momo squad is the best in the west!! Next time you dc with momo in your evergale just remember u crossed him first!!! Also i find your name very offensive and urge u to change it as someone from california RIP Michael my beloved 18 year old cat DX

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