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Kick feature in Evergale


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It was posted that this feature would be abused and it is.   If an Elyos doesnt get Mochi's group they continuously asked to be kicked to avoid the quitter debuff.  Either join Mochi's alliance or dont queue if you are going to be bitches

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1 hour ago, GitGud-DN said:

It was posted that this feature would be abused and it is.   If an Elyos doesnt get Mochi's group they continuously asked to be kicked to avoid the quitter debuff.  Either join Mochi's alliance or dont queue if you are going to be bitches

and the feature is also being used responsibly. There are people who enter when we (any faction) is losing by a significant margin (let's say 2k or more), why shouldn't they ask to be kicked? Some people afk  from the start or during the run, they're warned and they get kicked.There are people who enter when we (any faction) is losing by a significant margin (let's say 2k or more), why shouldn't they ask to be kicked? 

However, it's up to everyone in-game to police themselves, there's on so much any software feature can do.

Right now for example, there are people who go AFK with lead, it doesn't matter who is the league leader. They won't fix the groups, the kick feature has done anything to fix  this issue. It's too bad e do have a reputation system- I'm inclined to say they should get kicked  from EC a few times until they wale up and  understand that they should pass lead if they have no intention of participating.


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23 minutes ago, Heat-KT said:

just gonna leave two pictures here https://imgur.com/a/saD4G :/  these people didn't even ask to be kicket yet people doing this bs

I actually have an issue with that too. I queued into a failing run in which Elyos were already inside the base and killing the npc. The npc was almost dead, so it was about to end. I actually wanted to stay in (hey, 25 gp for less than a minute of being in there lol), but the alliance leader kicked me. Like I appreciate that you think you were helping me, but maybe ask first lol.

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15 hours ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Like I appreciate that you think you were helping me, but maybe ask first lol.

I don't think they were trying to help. I reported these people who kicked everybody like this, but still waiting for reply. Gonna post the reply when I get it.... I hope they will get ban.. idiots

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