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If we going to give a free skin at 6.0 launch


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Like we did at 5.0 launch.I think it would be best to give skins that people wanted in the past but can't get it because it was too rare too expensive.I think it would be best to lure people to come back to Aion.

Such skin candinates should be as

-Dreamfairie costumes
-Primal Spirit clothes skin
-Veille/Mastarius skins
-Delegate skins
-Bolero Attire
-Bolero Garb

I'ts true that these skins price will drop but Aion shouldn't milking money with old skins forever.

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Please give Tiamat Guard's skins like they were gotten from the instance in the game, reskinnable and dyeable! At least make them dyeable! Cause the versions on BCM and from [Event] Tianat Guard's Armor Box are not dyable, and majority aren't even black, but brown! 

The fact that you're going to give/sell skins on 6.0 - does it mean that characters will lose the skins they are wearing???

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4 minutes ago, Neleth-KT said:

Yes they did gifted starfall outfit (sorry if it's not exact name)

And galaxy outfit at 5.6 launch too.

What faction? (I'm Asmo) I don't remember that they gifted any skills at all! Some were won in Events but not "gifted".Starfall was in Luna.

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2 minutes ago, Neleth-KT said:

On which server was it? I played the game (NA) but didn't know about this website and didn't receive anything like this in the game.

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Aion devs often make blue skins but very rarely purple, violet, and what they make "black" is mostly gray. Please make similar skins purple and "Charming Devil" really black, or dyeable to black!

3 minutes ago, Neleth-KT said:

The costumes I suggesting ain't in luna they were the most wanted skins in the past :)

I know, I made Starfall in Luna and they are in my toon's inventories.

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I would be cool if they would gift away some of the new skins, not some old ones, to actually attract maybe returning player with it. They can always apply those to lunas and future events later as they have done in the past.


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