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The hearthblooms and guestblooms merchants are gone. Not sure if it's by design or a bug. The quest line to get an apartment at 21 no longer has a quest that talks about guestblooms, but the daily to get fertilizers is still in game. So I am really not sure.

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2 minutes ago, Voltric-DN said:

They actually added a few of the once craftable furniture items to the guestpetal exchanger. That tells me that they must be planning to sell blooms again at some point, otherwise, how are we suppose to purchase them? Cross your fingers though!

Or they were put there so that those of us with tons of petals have something to spend them on.

If all you want is petals, pick up the fertilizers from the daily quest and walk about feeding other people's blooms from before the patch.

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2 minutes ago, Aly-DN said:

If all you want is petals, pick up the fertilizers from the daily quest and walk about feeding other people's blooms from before the patch.

I actually worry about what happens when all of those plants are full. We can't exchange petals to alts so once those plants are full, what do we do? I installed fresh blooms on all of my toons just so my new ones have a means of collecting some.

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Yeah, that's what I've been doing Aly. But it was less about petals and more about trying to better my gameplay anyway I can. I only have one legion member/friend so I thought that hearthblooms were the better bet for my studio. But with no blooms, I'll just focus on other areas of gameplay

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I read somewhere before patch that guestblooms were getting removed but that petal merchant remained so I bought a lot of them on all my characters before patch and move all the current ones back to my housing storage they are all there so if you have any from before you can still get petals like all my characters have at least 10 blooms and if u need petal just set them and send the character from each of your houses to collect them. I was collecting petals minutes before patch and got a manastones bloom while watering so it was at least before patch still possible. 

They made some changes to housing so it does seem they are thinking about it somewhat so I'm hopeful that they will readd a way to get petals again. Also petal are one of the only tokens still left after patch which also gives me hope for it. 

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I just hope they are working on an update in the housing areas. Those are so old and something new could be great. I am also think in a "make up" on the maps to refresh he appearance. 

Those were obtained in a repeteable quest inside the houses/studios. If you already have the quest done from previous versions, you can stil get them (I accidentally reached lvl 76 by doing that. :/ ) But if the quest chain is removed you will not be able to get them on new toons. 

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