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Increase the drop of manastones that really matter!


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I think it could be great to have the drop % more close to what the players use. Some manastones are so expensive and everyone wants them. Others are just nothing.... 

But we had the same issue all the times. Even on the past Parry or Evasion were so useless and was really expensive to get Magic Boost or Crit Strike. 

Maybe can be a nice solution a way to exchange manastones. Maybe 2 or 3 undesired manastones to get 1 that you want. Or maybe to improve the numbers on those that nobody wants to make them mor atractive. 

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I'll be creating a full evasion set. It won't actually help me in game, but it will cost me a grand total of 3 mil kinah.


(But yes, I agree it would be nice to have increased manastone drop rates. I've been running Crucible cds every week on a couple toons to buy the manastones there and have gotten lucky with a few crits, but eh.)

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They could implement a system to exchange the manastones for new ones:

Suggestion 1: Morph 10x same manastones (type and level) and receive a box where you can choose the manastone you want of the same level.
Suggestion 2: Since they love RNGeezus, morph 3x manastones of same kind & level for a box that contains another random manastone same level (could give you back the same one or any other manastone of the same level)

...but of course things like this can never be implemented because nobody has the will to do so.

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