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@Cyan World Drops


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EU has more events in like 4-5 months they had events with legendary contrats and ult contracts,stigma event where they boosted succes rate by 15% from +9 stigmas... AND they like get new events every week...While NA gets boring ass events with mediocore revards...BUT Eu is more populated than  NA so maybe that plays some role in what events they have ...EU more p2w but more events.


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EU has dedicated staff. That's what EU has that makes their game run better than ours in all these little ways. They actually have staff looking at the offered events from Korea and picking the ones they like. That staff also changes the rewards from the pre-packaged vanilla rewards sent by Korea. They have staff to work on getting wanted changed to their client from Korea. They have staff dedicated to making sure their cash shop is up to date and has things people want. They have staff making sure that there sub has value and the things the players get from it are current to the patch and are desired items.

We have Gideon. That's it. 

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Technically, yes. He is the Game Producer at NCWest for Aion. He posted last month. Though, to be fair, he hadn't posted in the two years prior to that.

The point being, even if he is working feverishly every day/all day on making Aion a better game, he isn't going to be able to compete with the full staff over at Gameforge.

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EU has dedicated stuff that care because

  • They are not free to play, but free to login, to play you need to buy the gold pack, aka 5 euros per month per account, so for every account that plays they actually make mandatory money and on top of that they also...
  • ...have a much richer cash shop with things that people are willing to pay, so that is additional money.

They also have more events because they know that events keep the people happy and active, events act like mini patches, people find something "new" and they are happy to explore the limited time it will be on. Next event they anticipate to come so they start over. Active events act as additional content like instances.


The worst thing that happens to our side is when we get "be online" event. When we see a horde of alts jumping around in main cities to stay online for the reward. That is the face of our publisher, afk alts jumping.

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It's not that they have a dedicated (not as in "having a single-minded loyalty" but "devoted to as task". So it's not that the love the game, but that they don't have any other duties but to do things for Aion) staff because of those things you mentioned. It's because that staff has nothing else to do -but- do things for Aion that those things you mentioned happen.

I can remember a time (before Valiant left to do other projects) that we 2 guys just do manage the BCM. And we had at least two guys (Valiant and Gideon, I think) working on content issues. AND.. we had two CMs just for us. And this was a few years into Aion's existence after at least the first merge. So when the game launched Aion probably had more staff dedicated only to Aion.

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