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Anti hack and cheat in PvE


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I see some games has implemented something like if the character too strong than they suppose to the game will ending instantly and can't make any more progress.

So yep why don't aion do the  same ?
For example

- Killing DR boss too fast in CS the instance fails.
-Going some places where ur character can't or suppose to go instantly death.(like killing sky in old poeta)
-Too much dps than a normal person can do,boss enraged and wiped group.

Well anything like that :P


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Cute, but unrealistic, and in the long run this is more work than simply monitoring for and banning hackers outright.

Constantly adding new restrictions will only hurt legitimate players while giving hackers the opportunity to fly under the radar because they'll know what to look out for.

Handing out temporary bans or allowing hackers to continue playing with small punishments (Fallen Poeta situation) only emboldens them to keep doing it.

The best deterrent to hacking is to clamp down on it with permanent (highly publicized) bans and actually enforcing the game's ToS agreement.

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It's easy to detect cheats honestly. On an old game of mine as I have said before made a program that goes I to the game file and you would register and link it to a website that stores info and it would tell you what programs people were running. With a company like ncsoft or newest honestly they are the same, money shouldn't be that bad to invest into something. The dude who did it for my game did it for free... even made the game cooler with commands to help with in game things.

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Constantly adding new restrictions will only hurt legitimate players

How it hurted  normal players ? please explain because I don't understand o_o I don't think there's a legit player who can 10 hits in 1 sec or move above sky or underground.

We talked about enforcing laws and orders for years and that didn't work out during many reasons we already know.
So how about solution that nobody got hurt ? Sure the system isn't perfect but will it better than now ? absolutely.

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6 hours ago, Neleth-KT said:

How it hurted  normal players ? please explain because I don't understand o_o I don't think there's a legit player who can 10 hits in 1 sec or move above sky or underground.

No, there isn't a legitimate player that can do 10 hits in 1 second. 

Moving above sky or going underground, that's a different story. People routinely glitch through or get stuck in terrain unintentionally. There are people that fall through and land in weird islands on Sanctum. There are constantly people asking for an SM to teleport them out of strange places they've managed to get stuck in where they cannot use the Escape function. I often have to relog in Kamar Battlefield because I get stuck in the air after trying to jump over glitchy barriers. These are all places that the game thinks people shouldn't be in, but they still end up there from time to time. These things happen without hacks, but if programmers were to try to implement your solution, they'd undoubtedly trigger false positives, which is what legitimate players would get caught up in, and thus harmed.

Programming for all the nuances you mentioned and ensuring that legitimate players are not affected takes significantly longer time than simply monitoring the game for unusual behavior.

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2 minutes ago, Forgotten-DN said:

No, there isn't a legitimate player that can do 10 hits in 1 second. 

Moving above sky or going underground, that's a different story. People routinely glitch through or get stuck in terrain unintentionally. There are people that fall through and land in weird islands on Sanctum. There are constantly people asking for an SM to teleport them out of strange places they've managed to get stuck in where they cannot use the Escape function. I often have to relog in Kamar Battlefield because I get stuck in the air after trying to jump over glitchy barriers. These are all places that the game thinks people shouldn't be in, but they still end up there from time to time. These things happen without hacks, but if programmers were to try to implement your solution, they'd undoubtedly trigger false positives, which is what legitimate players would get caught up in, and thus harmed.

Programming for all the nuances you mentioned and ensuring that legitimate players are not affected takes significantly longer time than simply monitoring the game for unusual behavior.

I see I never did KB so I don't know what're u talking about sorry about that.

However if you ever tour poeta you will see killing sky or can't breath ground isn't somewhere where people can go easily
Let take fallen poeta as example you create something like killing field that people needs to access artifacts(the thing u need to kill for xp)and only allow only passage is kill mobs.

Beside only thing that could happen when  u cross those fields are u just die no ban or anything o_o
It's like agro mobs and died and cleric can easily loci u


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