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NCwest what are you going to do?


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We've dealt with Goldspammers for years, well over a decade now, and their annoying and do tend to screw up the ingame economy... but now....Well now we're getting spammers via Discords promoting different Hacking programs for Aion Classic and Retail.... 




Hello. There is new multifunctional hack/cheat program for aion . If you have interest contact in discord --------------------
Supporting : Aion classic servers ( NA , Korea, Aion legacy) Aion destiny 3.5 . Euro aion 4.6

  • Animation - set animation speed; AnimationAdaptive set % animation from the current one
  • SpeedHack - set your running speed
  • SpeedHackAdaptive set % speed from the current one
  • Attack radius - + 2m attack radius
  • NoGravity - Allows you to walk and use skills in the air
  • NoHide - show hide mob/player/admin/gm
  • Legit - flicker NoHide doesnt allow you to take a target. Also, if you hold down the button, you can turn off the flick
  • Console - Game Console (PauseBreak key)
  • Fov - Set Fov
  • Cam - set max range camera
  • TargetInfo - show hp/nickname target
  • FastLoot - Allows you to use it very quickly loot mob if key is pressed
  • Radar 360 degree
  • NoClip
  • Up - teleport up
  • Down - teleport down
  • Forward - teleport relative to the camera

With these spams they send direct video links to showcase the hacks.  Many of which I have personally seen in game and even recorded players doing prior to my leave from the game. I sent support tickets for players I've caught doing this, but I hear they're still in the game even though it's going on a month+ for several of them.

@Kibbelz @Loki @Hime @Gideon

My question for NCwest is;

What are you going to do about this? 

It feels like every few weeks there's a new program out for exploiters/hackers and it's become the norm in game. The NCsoft support team is useless and half the time doesn't even watch the videos you send them.  I already stopped logging in and won't be re-activating my siel's Aura, however I'm still keeping an eye on the forums hoping that NCsoft/NCwest steps up their game and makes the game bareable again. 

How does everyone else feel about this?

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My understanding ( and I could be wrong) is that this old version of Cry Engine was cracked a long time ago, so it’s widely known in the industry how to create hacks for it. And since it is a fault of the game engine itself, there is nothing NCSoft or anybody else can do about actually blocking the hacks before they are used.

Other options are to implement some kind of automated detection program - not sure how expensive or viable this is and there will probably be some level of support overhead from people getting blocked/banned erroneously. Steel Rake debacle all over again. Alternatively they would need to have GMs actually in the game witnessing it directly, since they have a policy of not accepting customer evidence against other customers. And GMs need paychecks too.

So at the end of the day, I don’t think there’s any good blanket solution, and even improving the situation takes money for sure. Now there’s only a thousand or so subscribers ($15,000/mo), some of those are also buying Daeva Pass, plus cash shop and a couple true whale outliers. I suspect we’re talking somewhere around $500k-$1M per yr revenue for all of Aion Classic NA/EU. And most of that is dependent on recurring revenue, but our pop is declining pretty steadily. After server costs, translation costs, etc, there’s just not that much money for a larger staff. I would look to the profitable asian markets to see what is coming our way, since we’re probably 1% of their revenue and it just doesn’t make business sense to prioritize us

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1 hour ago, Bubbs said:

So at the end of the day, I don’t think there’s any good blanket solution, and even improving the situation takes money for sure. Now there’s only a thousand or so subscribers ($15,000/mo), some of those are also buying Daeva Pass, plus cash shop and a couple true whale outliers. I suspect we’re talking somewhere around $500k-$1M per yr revenue for all of Aion Classic NA/EU. And most of that is dependent on recurring revenue, but our pop is declining pretty steadily. After server costs, translation costs, etc, there’s just not that much money for a larger staff. I would look to the profitable asian markets to see what is coming our way, since we’re probably 1% of their revenue and it just doesn’t make business sense to prioritize us

NCsoft is publicly traded and post their quarterly earnings. NA is actually their 2nd largest market after KR.

Aion (Last I look last quarter) made up 30% of their total gross revenue.  I might have to recheck but last quarter their earnings was almost 5x more then their operational costs.... So Ncsoft def can afford the staff and to invest in anti-cheat programs. Heck KR servers just re-enabled GameGaurd. We also got a hidden little update with 1.5 that protected information from server-side. Sadly the little update we got only stopped the hackers for a few hours before they found a bypass around it, took the DPS meter ppl a bit longer though. This is not an issue of costs vs operation, it's an issue of will power. At least that's my assessment. If someone from NCwest would love to clear the air, I'm all ears though.

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31 minutes ago, Bubbs said:

Sounds like a good chance we’ll be getting GameGuard within a few months then, that’s something

We had GameGuard in the past, it stopped the hackers for a few weeks, then they found a way around it... so who knows how long it'll last.

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10 hours ago, Rag-DN said:

We had GameGuard in the past, it stopped the hackers for a few weeks, then they found a way around it... so who knows how long it'll last.

The thing is what is the incentive to ban them? The game is dying and most of the cheaters are among the biggest wallet warriors in this game(or wallet warriors take advantage of them) so why would they ban their income?

Example: The bots in Korea all subscribe they legitimately make more money from bots then they do from the actual playerbase so why would they ever ban the bots in KR if they make more money YoY from them?

What we as gamers see as an issue developers/publishers and companies all see as potential profit.  Nothing can be done about it you have to accept it and move on to another game or just accept they will be around forever because there is no incentive to ban cheaters/bots and so on.

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