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Make solo version of group instances lv 1-65


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Hi Aion Family :)

level 1-65 group instances are deserted there's no one doing them anymore why not add solo version of it and add quests reward gears,accessories of these instances.
So everyone can experience those instance again it's better than let them deserted like this.

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26 minutes ago, Neleth-KT said:

Hi Aion Family :)

level 1-65 group instances are deserted there's no one doing them anymore why not add solo version of it and add quests reward gears,accessories of these instances.
So everyone can experience those instance again it's better than let them deserted like this.

Pretty much what Neleth said. Aion should take some pages from Blade and Soul and make all 1-65 solo-duoable instance. Adjust the difficulty of other 1-65 instances by the number of playing entering. Maybe portals from old times instances also could help like 4.0 instances like Steel Rose, older instances like Tiamat eye, Sarpan etc...just examples. Don't have to bring back the regions just portals leading to away for XP and other things to do, so we don't get bored. I'm pretty sure ppl have fave instances they miss. If ppl lvl 66+ want to do those old instances for XP it should be a version for them also. Kahrun Gears should return in a mythic version with epic Healing Boost/HP/MR etc...let us upgrade our old KR gears for a new set! 

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I believe only lv 1-64 instances should be soloable since group instances should THEN be available for lv65 onwards since lv65 instances such as DD or IS are really nice instances, would be a shame to see such instances to turn soloable or duoable. 

The gear rewards for lv1-64 is already there (hence fledgling sets, which is more than enough).  

Kahrun gears are very popular amongst the daevas, it would be incredible to see archdaeva versions of them one day in future.  Perhaps even surpassing purified harvester sets in future, which could be a further upgrade from harvester or a completely different set from the next game-end instance.  


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Amazing idea, this must be done asap, new players who never played Aion have a really hard time lvling, old players cna reach 65 in couple hours but they can take several days without help/information, and they end leaving the game even before reach lvl 66, where practically the game experience just start right now.

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In theory i agree with this idea,having recently leveled a Alt, it is as you say deserted and hard for anyone to get groups,and a new player wouldn't know the fastest ways to level.

However on the otherside,this is a mmo which should encourage group play,so players can learn to work together.The issue of everything being solo is player's wont learn to utilise their class in a group situation,then they hit 66 and havent learnt how to deal with those **holy crap pull moments**.

Unfortunately this anti social thing isnt just confined to games like aion it even hit's well known game's game like wow.Where instances are zerged,people rarely chat or interact and learn the class skill's.Im not saying make these low instances super hard or anything but it would be nice to see more group game play at lower levels to  help player's learn their class and form friends list from doing so.

Unfortunately i also think aions population doesn't help either with group formations,i have noticed the decline from the last year or so and area's are more empty than they were back then.Until ncsoft can find a way to both make money and encourage player's to stick about post 66+ then i dont think the situation will improve.The Fledling gear is great and helps players immensely,but then you hit 66 and basically hit a wall trying to gear,not cause you cant get gear but trying to even earn the kinah to socket and enchant is highly restrictive for a new player that isnt going to spend money.

The vendor limit on kinah alone due to botting kills grinding for player.s now,even my lowbie alt has crap that cant be vendor due to kinah limits,so how does a new player gear,socket and chant with no kinah.

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Actually I think it is better to rebalance them. 

I remember the old raksang. Was really easy and even in 3.7 once you reached max level was not usefull. But that instance was a 6 member group even after 4.0 and lasted like that for so long (It ended un the sadest day in Aion :S ) Still, that instances was interesting a many players did it. Why? Because it was so easy, The time required was so short and those kahrun coins was usefull to buy something. 

So, what I suggest to do in the old instances, is to make them faster, and with rewards usefull at least for a while. Maybe increasing the drop rate or giving armor/weapon box at the end with the chance to choose the reward. Maybe some kinah, minor medals, something else. 

Nobody wants to stay 1 hour in an old instance with no gear and just to have an small chance to get an outdated an useless item. But if the rewards changes and it requires less time (10-20 mins) maybe even some high level players will start to do them. 

Example: TS: reduce the HP on mobs and bosses to just 20% but maybe with some higher attacks. Last boss gives a box with gear to choose. In the AP room at the end, make the boxes to have 15-50k ap each one. Baby Rentus: Reduce the HP to 30% and some of the bosses drop minium and power shards. Better chance to get gear from drop. 

I know it wold be totally nerfed and some of us remembers when it was hard, but that is better than having a deserted instance. If some of those can be used to collect some interesting items, we are going to do them. Like it happened with Fire temple when it gave ailu candies to the people with prestige pack. 


I prefer to keep them in groupal mode, to encourage people to play with others. But to reduce the time required and increase the rewards so more people want to do them. 

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Hi your post gave me a lot of ideas :),and I completely agreed they turn Raksang into something boring nasty and horrible :(

How about we make them as group instances but easily enough for experienced players to soloable but for new players required them to group together in a small group like 3 players.
And bosses reward coins which can exchanges for that instance's accessories and able to buy green version of armors/weapons(skins) with that coins ?

That will make everybody happy and fill what everybody lacking accessories and give motives to farm these instances for skins :)

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1 hour ago, Neleth-KT said:

Hi your post gave me a lot of ideas :),and I completely agreed they turn Raksang into something boring nasty and horrible :(

How about we make them as group instances but easily enough for experienced players to soloable but for new players required them to group together in a small group like 3 players.
And bosses reward coins which can exchanges for that instance's accessories and able to buy green version of armors/weapons(skins) with that coins ?

That will make everybody happy and fill what everybody lacking accessories and give motives to farm these instances for skins :)

Yes. totally agree. 

in that way could be like easy instances with some rewards for veterans (like luna´s instances) and still be something usefull to get some gear and those rewards for new players. We will see many players doing those. Some will solo, some will play with few friends, some will carry new players to help them. Just like was with raksang, in the las year being groupal. And totally agree if gear can be received no matter the level. Some of those has skins that a lot of people liked. Besmundir, TS, Raksang earrings, Rentus brown weapons... More reassons to go back there. 

And maybe one of those with many mobs can be adapted to be like Beshmundir normal mode. Making the mobs to give more experience so the players can use it to level up faster from lvl 60. Even now, that is too easy to level up to 65, Beshmundir temple still is so usefull to do it faster. 

and the small rewards could include: power shards, candies, medals, AP, supps, materials for crafting (to boost a little the old crafts), detection seeds, composite and ancient manastones, some of the old tokens (those from guilds and that can be turned into skins, pets and other little things). Small things that sometimes are hard to get or require so much time for what they are. 

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