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Energy of Repose vs Berdin's Favor vs Berdin's Amulet


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Someone please explain to me the reason why I'm allowed to have all 3 of them active at once if I get the Energy of Repose LAST but if I have any bit of Energy of Repose and Berdin's Favor I can't use an Amulet because it says I already have the buff on.  I was looking over my buffs and Energy of Repose only gives you 40% additional XP & drop rates are only increased by 10% then the whole exp gained from Berdin's Favor is 300% with no increase of drop rates.  I'm trying to use Honorable Elim's Amulet II which gives me that error (200% XP 30% drop rate) and even tried Berdin's 50% XP Amulet III (50% XP only).  The funniest thing is I had nothing on my chanter and used an Amulet then Repose Tea to get to 100% then used Berdin's Lucky Star to get to like 10% and had all of them on me at once but my glad can't use the Amulets with the other 2 on.

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16 hours ago, Vantheria-DN said:

The various assortment of Aion buffs are mysterious and magical and we must respect them. xD

I just wish they would at least follow some sort of repeatable pattern because I simply can't twist my head around why one is able to have all 3 buffs and another can't get more than 2 lol

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Did you have other XP boost on you? In the previous event, my alt couldn't get the +400% boost, because she had some remaining 100% buff from an event ages ago. Also every XP buff I tried didn't work, when my characters already had another XP buff, lower of higher, didn't matter. But it was never affected by Energy of Repose...

So if you had only the Energy of Repose and/or Berdin star on you and it didn't work, that sounds like a bug. Try reporting it in a support ticket.

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Daeva's Day cake and halloween coffin exp buffs are treated as exp amulets (like Berdin's x% XP Amulet n). So you can't get multiple exp amulet buffs at th esame time.

Energy of Repose, Growth Energy, and Berdin's Star are actually limited reservoirs of exp that are not gained all at once, but at a rate based on your regular exp gains.

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They have changed the buffs though,not the recent birthday but the year before we could stack a Xp amulet and most other Xp events allowed amulet usage.

It's very clear they are intent on making this grind as long as possible to make more money out of the player's by having the worst leveling experience sine game's release.If they actually cared about level the mere pet 200% amulet never would of been nerfed so hard,amulets for 200%+ would of been added and liquid experience would of been changed for 66+.

They dont want people leveling fast the more frustrating it is the more likely people will buy items to make it quicker,if leveling didnt grant essence,bonus skills i wouldnt care about taking forever to hit 75,but this current system just throws in another gap with the have money and free2play people.


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12 hours ago, Mayinne-DN said:

Did you have other XP boost on you? In the previous event, my alt couldn't get the +400% boost, because she had some remaining 100% buff from an event ages ago. Also every XP buff I tried didn't work, when my characters already had another XP buff, lower of higher, didn't matter. But it was never affected by Energy of Repose...

So if you had only the Energy of Repose and/or Berdin star on you and it didn't work, that sounds like a bug. Try reporting it in a support ticket.

No other XP buff on me at all.  Just what I stated.  I did check when I was getting the errors.

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On 20/11/2017 at 5:20 PM, Lumin-DN said:

It's not the xp part that's the issue, it's the droprate.  You can never ever ever ever stack droprate boosts.

check this one. 

not only the xp amulets can not be stacked or replaced. That also counts for drop rates buffs. If you have a drop rate buff active, that may block a new one that includes a drop rate too. And yes. Sometimes those drops are too small and useless and still are so annoying to have those issues. 

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