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Morphing-The End Of The Lesser Faction


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I could be jumping the gun but after logging in and seeing the morph system it dawns on me that you have totally screwed us.   It was bad enough that crafting was dependent on ult kib so lesser factions were already complaining about not being able to craft but now you put morphing enchants on the same damn system so what do you think is going to happen.  If we ever thought we had a chance in hell at getting Ano, that disappeared like a fart in the wind this morning.  Alternative methods to obtaining ult kib better start being looked into ASAP or you might as well stick a fork in this game.

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This only effects pve stones, not pvp stones. I doubt many people will be using their limited amount of coins to craft ultimate pve stones. Maybe it’ll push your faction to actually try harder. The numbers are usually similar, you guys have owned Lakrum/Divine a good chunk over the last month.

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17 minutes ago, Hellish-DN said:

This only effects pve stones, not pvp stones. I doubt many people will be using their limited amount of coins to craft ultimate pve stones. Maybe it’ll push your faction to actually try harder. The numbers are usually similar, you guys have owned Lakrum/Divine a good chunk over the last month.

You mean they are instituting the siege buff for world bosses?  Thank god.

1 minute ago, Gabe-DN said:

You don't think everyone will put their ultimate pve weapon on top of of ultimate pvp weapn and then rely on ultimate pve enchants to hit 15?

No, because only the PvE attack/defense stats would increase.

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41 minutes ago, Prinz-KT said:

You mean they are instituting the siege buff for world bosses?  Thank god.

No, because only the PvE attack/defense stats would increase.

Nope but the Elyos have proven they can defend the fort against Asmos without the fort buff when they actually try. With Anomos all they have to do is get it to their camp and they can win.

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"Please disregard OP and his band of beggars.  Asmodians get him and the WB as well because they make a real effort instead of sitting around on their asses and complain about it looking for free handouts instead.  My guess, these are probably the same band of losers who stand either in the back of the crowd or at the outpost and complain about Elyos not pushing or getting pushed back to the outpost during sieges.  I don't want free handouts, I rather see real effort get made or continue not being able to craft ultimate gear.  If you find this offensive then good, quit complaining and start doing something."


Gabe this was your response on the other post on the Anomos topic, what caused the sudden flip?  Elyos had 170 in their league on Saturday night and if it wasn't for the absurdly long spawn time on Anomos you guys would have easily gotten it.  While I don't know the situation on the other servers DN-E is definitely not the weaker faction if they actually want to show up for things.

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don't waste your time , asmo-dn are toxic ppl they spamming "bad" "mad" etc etc all time and if you post some things about the game they will cry, elitist ppl can enjoy killing bots or ungeared ppl zZzZz they never think "What would you do in my place?"the developers say they are worried about the balance, I doubt it, Asmo-kt and DN-elyos are the example

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9 minutes ago, Zombiex-DN said:

don't waste your time , asmo-dn are toxic ppl they spamming "bad" "mad" etc etc all time and if you post some things about the game they will cry, elitist ppl can enjoy killing bots or ungeared ppl zZzZz they never think "What would you do in my place?"the developers say they are worried about the balance, I doubt it, Asmo-kt and DN-elyos are the example

The Elyos have even numbers to the Asmos on DN.

And post has to do with getting ultimate pve stones, which has nothing to do with pvp or faction balance. +ing up a pve weapon literally does no additional damage in pvp.

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21 minutes ago, Hellish-DN said:

The Elyos have even numbers to the Asmos on DN.

And post has to do with getting ultimate pve stones, which has nothing to do with pvp or faction balance. +ing up a pve weapon literally does no additional damage in pvp.

I see the balance as the opportunity to grow with your character, pve and pvp are part of it

the problem is when the system prevents your growth even if you do things right

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4 hours ago, Hellish-DN said:

Nope but the Elyos have proven they can defend the fort against Asmos without the fort buff when they actually try. With Anomos all they have to do is get it to their camp and they can win.

Like i said in my other post in other thread. Elyos killed Anomos 4 times since patch came live...on Asmo side kibirium is 25k on Ely side is 9-10mil....That does hurt the oter faction just look the numbers i gave u or u can make Ely alt and look yourself...Asmos camp him more yes thats true.But do the math he spawns every 72h and gives 60+ kibirium. Elyos killed him 4 times since patch came live that is sad rly sad lmao. Elyos need to get their shit togerher and do stuff instead of QQing...Ye ppl got jobs/lives...FFS i have to and i am from EU and was in all 4 kills we got him since patch

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