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Transformation Collection Skills


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So I been unlocking a ton of Collection Skills lately from the Transformation menu, and I've noticed something...all of them are Magical attacks... Why are none of these skills physical based? Seriously the last few patches, especially this one, seem to be extremely anti-melee for PVE. Does anyone know if there are any melee skills you can unlock? I havn't noticed any personally.

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Are you logged into a magical character? They change based upon the character you are playing. For example, the collection called Legendary Transformation Conqueror gives me 195 Physical Attack when I am on my chanter. However, if I switch to my songweaver, it becomes 195 Magical Attack.

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1 hour ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Are you logged into a magical character? They change based upon the character you are playing. For example, the collection called Legendary Transformation Conqueror gives me 195 Physical Attack when I am on my chanter. However, if I switch to my songweaver, it becomes 195 Magical Attack.

Nope on my Gladdy they all say Magical damage

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Can you screenshot and/or say which transformation collections you are talking about so I can check on one of my physical toons? I just looked again and I definitely have physical attack and crit on my physical toons, so maybe it's bugged for you. There ARE a few that are specific, but most of them are interchangeable. Maybe you don't have the interchangeable ones yet?

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3 minutes ago, Vantheria-DN said:

Can you screenshot and/or say which transformation collections you are talking about so I can check on one of my physical toons? I just looked again and I definitely have physical attack and crit on my physical toons, so maybe it's bugged for you. There ARE a few that are specific, but most of them are interchangeable. Maybe you don't have the interchangeable ones yet?

I think he is referring to flame of illusion and cursed cyclone skills and not the added stats from completing the collection 

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23 minutes ago, Ulti-DN said:

I think he is referring to flame of illusion and cursed cyclone skills and not the added stats from completing the collection 

Yeah the flame of illusion and cursed Cyclone skills, their all Magic based on my glad.

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1 minute ago, Rag-DN said:

Yeah the flame of illusion and cursed Cyclone skills, their all Magic based on my glad.

We need to run tests and see the dmg difference to see how much m.attack affects that skill because most of these skills appear to do a pretty static dmg little affected by my stats.

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2 minutes ago, Arhangelos-KT said:

We need to run tests and see the dmg difference to see how much m.attack affects that skill because most of these skills appear to do a pretty static dmg little affected by my stats.

I know it takes ALOT of magic attack to make a difference but it does affect it. My cleric does about 2k more damage with Cursed Cyclone then my glad does while running Sac Power.

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8 minutes ago, Rag-DN said:

I know it takes ALOT of magic attack to make a difference but it does affect it. My cleric does about 2k more damage with Cursed Cyclone then my glad does while running Sac Power.

What is the total dmg though? Like if your glad does 30k and your cleric 32k with it that is literally nothing of a difference given the fact it has 5 minutes cool down and most people that have ultimate transform use the buff that shares the cool down with this one.

Sadly many things are not that fair, like rune chance skills favor those that use many skills in short amount of time (just like godstones) while slow skill users suffer a lot from these benefits.

Another unfair thing is physical attack users rely on attack speed exclusively while every caster needs both c.speed and attack speed to function properly.

~That low dmg skill that has 5m cool down shouldn't be that big of a deal.

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2 minutes ago, Arhangelos-KT said:


~That low dmg skill that has 5m cool down shouldn't be that big of a deal.

I'm saying it's game breaking or too big of a deal, it just feels like another slap in the face though to melee players. You would think they would either make it a static damage skill or have one for both melee and magic. My cleric doesn't have anything other then the starter gear so his Magic Attack is low, someone with pure Magic attack will have to comment and say how big of a difference they have when using it. My gladdie only does  10,851 damage to each target when he uses Cursed Cyclone (Final level)

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16 minutes ago, Rag-DN said:

I'm saying it's game breaking or too big of a deal, it just feels like another slap in the face though to melee players. You would think they would either make it a static damage skill or have one for both melee and magic. My cleric doesn't have anything other then the starter gear so his Magic Attack is low, someone with pure Magic attack will have to comment and say how big of a difference they have when using it. My gladdie only does  10,851 damage to each target when he uses Cursed Cyclone (Final level)

I only have mystic classes in my account so I cannot test the difference. But I can use the skill on my main to see the dmg he does since my main has a rather OK m.attack value. Let me log on him and test on a dummy.

And as I said focus on the positive things your instant skill user/class has than this low dmg skill.


With 22.754 m.attack + 3.152 pve attack my skill did 14.400 dmg on a level 1 dummy

If I melee hit the dummy with my orb I do 21k dmg, so yeah that skill is useless along with the fact it made my collection buff go to 5 minute cool down which gives me and my group +500 p.attack/m.attack

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Did some tests on dummies in Gelk using (final) Cursed Cyclone, made sure no debuffs or food or buffs were used during these tests and no debuffs were on the dummies only thing used was all were using Marchutan Ulti Xform:

Gladdy does 10,851 damage with  319 magic attack

Templar did 9,865 damage with 197 magic attack

Cleric does 11,507 damage with 19k mag attack

My sorc does 15,126 damage with  18,104 magic attack

My SM with did 12,605 damage with 15,820 mag attack

Sin did 10,851 damage with 518 mag attack

Aethertech did 12.658 damage with 16,095 magic attack

I did several hits several times to make sure the damage was static.... These numbers make no sense, espicially with my Sorc doing the most damage without having the highest mag attack. It must be based on some other factor, however it is clear that the damage is effected by magic attack. I can only imagine how much of a boost the Flame of Illusion skills get when used on the proper targets in PVE on a magic class compared to melee.

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Transformation Collection Skills are magic damage, but unaffected by the Magic Attack boosts. They are however affected by the base Knowledge class values.

Base Skill Damages

  • (Stage 1) Cursed Cyclone 900
  • (Stage 2) Cursed Cyclone 1,800
  • (Final) Cursed Cyclone 6,000
  • (Stage 1) Flame of Illusion: Crucible Spire 150
    • Conditional damage +3,300
  • (Stage 2) Flame of Illusion: Crucible Spire 1,000
    • Conditional damage +6,600
  • (Final) Flame of Illusion: Crucible Spire 1,000
    • Conditional damage +22,000


Class Knowledge values

  • Gladiator 90
  • Ranger 90
  • Chanter 105
  • Sorcerer Sorceress 120
  • Gunslinger Gunner 100
  • Songweaver Bard 110
  • Templar 90
  • Assassin 90
  • Cleric 105
  • Spiritmaster 115
  • Aethertech 105
  • Vandal Painter 100


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1 minute ago, TheSecretCowLeve-KT said:

Transformation Collection Skills are magic damage, but unaffected by the Magic Attack boosts. They are however affected by the base Knowledge class values.

Base Skill Damages

  • (Stage 1) Cursed Cyclone 900
  • (Stage 2) Cursed Cyclone 1,800
  • (Final) Cursed Cyclone 6,000
  • (Stage 1) Flame of Illusion: Crucible Spire 150
    • Conditional damage +3,300
  • (Stage 2) Flame of Illusion: Crucible Spire 1,000
  • (Final) Flame of Illusion: Crucible Spire 1,000
    • Conditional damage +22,000


Class Knowledge values

  • Gladiator 90
  • Ranger 90
  • Chanter 105
  • Sorcerer Sorceress 120
  • Gunslinger Gunner 100
  • Songweaver Bard 110
  • Templar 90
  • Assassin 90
  • Cleric 105
  • Spiritmaster 115
  • Aethertech 105
  • Vandal Painter 100


Thank you! Doesn't make total sense though cause if that was true my Glad and Temp should do the same but they don't.... 

Also, you should make a youtube channel or something, your knowledge is OP! 

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21 minutes ago, Rag-DN said:

My sorc does 15,126 damage with  18,104 magic attack

Lol my sorc has like about 4,5k m.attack more and I did 14.400 dmg, maybe I should have tried multiple times too. But I'll never use that skill in my life so I wouldn't bother even doing tests cause that is 5m cool down.

Unless you don't talk about the aoe skill and we talk about another one.


OK, I did another test and now without buffs open I did 16.992

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