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Mirash Sanctum


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meh this patch was my make or break on leaving aion again and i was looking forward most to this instance...but nc has dropped the ball yet again without testing before they put out instances....


- Hook will not initiate despite being within 5m of ladders in boss room just says your too far when your not

- safe points in boss fight sometimes will not spawn safe zone meaning all 4 points stay icefall while causing 1 shot skill. (had this happen 3 times)

- lack of better information on how to do rooms some of the info is kind of a head scratcher not to mention the game does not allow the player time to even read what they have to do in the room while the timer ticks down...


im sure ill find more...sorry if it sounds agitated you just think after 9 years they would get it....I put the info here rather than send a ticket because nc is too vague with how your problem is being handled...also leaving you in a head scratcher might i add...

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1 hour ago, Jozepy-DN said:

- safe points in boss fight sometimes will not spawn safe zone meaning all 4 points stay icefall while causing 1 shot skill. (had this happen 3 times)

I spent almost 2 hours on that last boss. "All 4 stay icfall" on all but one of that bosses aoe.

Either none of the pads are safe, or the graphics for the safe one are not being displayed properly.

Several times the safe part of the floor (for one of the other boss skills) was not safe. I would step into the area and die anyway. I did go to character screen and back, and that corrected the glitch, but form time to time, the glitch came back. Had to go to character screen 3 or 4 times during the run.

Note: Jumping into the safe area seamed to cause the glitch, but walking into the area I was safe.

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Honestly, How many times are we gonna die over and over to this.

Pierce skill: Go behind and away from the casting, Turns right around and hits me.

Dance Skill: Goes into the safe zone, Dies instantly or lives with a scratch of health.

That huge AoE: Sometimes no pads are safe.

Just like MayBlue said there are some visual bugs that prevent us from seeing proper safe/danger zones
And as Jozepy said the hook is bugged at times as well as the safe points for the last boss.

Honestly NCSoft, I know its hard and tiring but please start doing your job. How many years are we gonna suffer from your lack of commitment?

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New Glitch


- 1 shot skill from final boss still kills you despite being on correct platform with no icefall



Also....theres not enough time for a player to find correct platform before boss casts 1 shot kill and even then the hook is glitched and doesnt always work

....boss  1 shot needs to be reduced or boss skill needs to have time added...The way the camera angles are set up in game make it IMPOSSIBLE for a player to find the correct platform in time due to viewing limitations (cant see alll 4 plat forms have ot rotatte camera) so unless your standing right next to the right platform u die.....


cmon ncsoft....get on the ball!

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2 hours ago, Jozepy-DN said:

- In Glyph room  even if you get the correct stone the chest still disappears....just happened to me...

May not be a glitch: The Glyph room is timed. Need to get the three Glyphs and open door fast.

1 hour ago, Jozepy-DN said:

- 1 shot skill from final boss still kills you despite being on correct platform with no icefall

May not be a glitch: Some have stated, after we are on the safe platform, we need to move away from the latter. If we are too close to the edge, the AOE will still kills us.


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I've killed her twice, but I'm done. Those mechanics aren't friendly to high ping. My success is luck on whether I get lagged back to the ground when using the iron hook or not, it goes on cd so it's gg if that happens.. and it happens a lot ><
Probably my own problem, but I don't have any issue like that in any other instance.. so, ehh.

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Was hard first time but piece of cake in next runs, so my advices:

1) AoE what required hook (dont remember name): look on two ladders whole time and when that aoe just starting you should know where safe ladder (behind you or one of that two what you checked before cast) and QUICKLY move and use hook (75%+ of cast = death).

2) Huge Aoe with small safe zone: don't jump and don't run around boss before that aoe (actually you no need 'kite' style here anyway), so stay calm and if you rdps stay not far than 10m from boss, and when she start to cast aoe just jump forward (if you have such skills) or just run behind here back. That AoE skills will bugged if you will run around in momment of cast.

3) Rooms with glyths: just dont rush here, you will waste much more of time if you agro patrol. When you agro fatties, move them in safe corner (you can agro even both of them if situation allow it). And run with pet/minions who have auto loot.

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1 hour ago, Aroch-DN said:

2) ... don't jump and don't run around boss before that aoe (actually you no need 'kite' style here anyway), so stay calm

Thanks for the tips Aroch. Now that you mention it, running around boss did trigger the "safe area on floor is not safe" death, but running through the boss i was ok.

"Would it save you a lot of time if I just gave up and went mad now?" Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.Cd3e62be1f78d6937b71e399.png

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