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On my Green toon, I used lots of minion contracts but still never got the Seiren, which is the only possible minion to use for a green toon, imho. This is the list of HeliosGreen's Minions: HeliosGreens%20Minions_zps4xchczlv.png

None of them is green. Can I get the Seiren anyway? Many other toons got it without contracts.

Can I make use of them by adding to the main minion, if I get one? How to evolve minions? How to use Minium and Spinel coins?

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2 hours ago, HelliosRed-KT said:

Can I get the Seiren anyway? Many other toons got it without contracts.

They did not get them without contracts. They got them form the two Minion Contracts you get from the quest that introduces you to Minions. If you did not get the Seiren Minion from those, just do Evergale Canyon or Fissure of Oblivion for Lesser Minion Contracts and hope you get it from those. Otherwise, you also have Major Minion contracts from Crucible Spire, ToE and BoS.

2 hours ago, HelliosRed-KT said:

Can I make use of them by adding to the main minion, if I get one? How to evolve minions? How to use Minium...

You can You can use the Combine feature to get Minions. Basically, it takes 4 Minions of the same grade and you sacrifice them for a chance to get a Minion of greater grade. If it succeeds, you will get a random Minion of the following greatest grade (IE using Grade D to get Grade C). If you fail, you will lose your 4 minions, but you will get one back of the same grade. If you combine the Grade D Kerubims, you may be lucky enough to get the Seiren.

Then you have evolving. It is not used to get new Minions, but to strengthen one you have. Open the desired Minion's window and click the "Upgrade" button. From the pop up menu, you can select other minions you own to give Minion Points to your main minion. You will lose your Minions, but your main minion's Minion Points bar will fill up (the higher the grade of the minion the more points required).

Once the bar is full, this is where Minium comes into play. Click on the same button you used before and it will ask you a certain amount of Minium and kinah. If you are in possession of those, you can evolve your minion. You will get access to your Minion's second skill and you will receive upgraded versions of your minion's skills. Minions can be evolved up to stage 4. 

2 hours ago, HelliosRed-KT said:

and Spinel coins?

they can be used to purchase special PvE gear in Azphel's Sanctuary/Ariel's Sanctuary.

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16 minutes ago, Cheesecake-DN said:

You can get a seiren from the minion contracts you get from doing Fissure of Oblivion. I got at least two, iirc. Not logged in to look.

Is Cute Minion Contract useless to get a Seiren? Is Lesser Minion contract always untradeable?

Is the use of Minions only in 1 skill that becomes more effective when they evolve?

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