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Nothing is Wrong With The Rewards List


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Guys, the adjusted prices are realistic and meant for you to complete whatever sets or enhancements you are missing. Are you seriously thinking that NC will start handing out +20 purified abyss gear like candy?

Most game companies will adjust numbers to maintain a balance, and what NCsoft is doing here is no different. You should be glad they did it BEFORE the NPC was made public.

Please refrain from any gripes about P2W. P2W players are the ones who help NCsoft keep their lights on and their servers running so YOU can enjoy the game. You're not required to engage in PvP if you choose not to. There are always ways around it if you're smart enough.

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So where were the "balance adjustments" when they announced "power up" had ppl grossly using more than they calculated at first, with only two days of event?

Why back then, only a month ago, there was no need to remove supplies of omegas/temperings available in market?

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Welcome smart Aion player who can find their way around engaging in PVP.

I hope you have enjoyed whatever alternate dimension you just came from.

Here, I will leave you some *crickets*

Hopefully others will too and just let this thread slide to the bottom where it belongs.

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They can shut down the servers as far as I'm concerned rather than destroying the enjoyment I get from this game even further.

The original prices were indeed too low for league loot, but the increase was way too much, and now this "event"...funny how they don't seem worried about the impact of having omegas in the BCM has on the economy.

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22 minutes ago, Odile-DN said:

Guys, the adjusted prices are realistic and meant for you to complete whatever sets or enhancements you are missing. Are you seriously thinking that NC will start handing out +20 purified abyss gear like candy?

Most game companies will adjust numbers to maintain a balance, and what NCsoft is doing here is no different. You should be glad they did it BEFORE the NPC was made public.

Please refrain from any gripes about P2W. P2W players are the ones who help NCsoft keep their lights on and their servers running so YOU can enjoy the game. You're not required to engage in PvP if you choose not to. There are always ways around it if you're smart enough.

For the last time. We were expecting the prices to increase. Anyone who was following along with what was happening, who had even the slightest inkling of how insanely cheap the initial prices were knew it was coming. However, the prices that were given to us afterward require people to grind for hours, inefficiently, for things that you can get in non-event instances in less time. Events are meant to be a "boost," to help players do something other than the usual. As it is now, the prices are *too much* for the average player. Heck, even people who like grinding like myself find this to be too much. And this was the first pvp event that I can even remember happening. You get ONE COIN per TWENTY asmos/elyos you kill. That is laughable. Farming soul stones in evergale is more efficient than going to the eye right now.

The community even spoke up about *several* different alternatives. Of course they don't have to follow through with those suggestions, but everything was completely ignored and that's why people are so upset. This isn't just about the darn npc anymore.

I had no problem with them changing the prices. But now, as people have done the math before, it takes 83 fatties to kill and loot for one omega. Depending on how your rotation is and how many others even both to show up, that means several hours of grinding for one omega. The other insulting bit is that they then put *omegas up on the bcm.* A flood of omegas only hurts the economy when there's no nc coin being bought. No problems with people who spend money on the game, it's what keeps it running after all. But the eye wasn't even p2w. It was a chance for all players to get geared, all levels, p2w, casuals, grinders, everyone. And since we'll *all* be behind when 6.0 hits, I thought NCWest was actually helping us gear up at first. Shame on me, though.

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I'm way below average in terms of being able to commit any kind of time to this game. If I manage to, I can farm maybe an average of 0 to 2 hours a day, so I'm up to approximately 900 coins. I'm reading all kinds of messages being shot around my faction saying that they got at least 5000 to 8000 coins, and I'm talking about average players who can commit 3 to 5 hours a day of farming.

When I look at the rewards list and think back to all the players who are able to farm a lot more than I can with the staggering amounts they're boasting, I think the pricing scheme reflects the realistic pricing based on NCsoft's determination of the "average".

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2 hours of farming is an acceptable price for 1 omega? Back when we had Smoldering Fire Temple people were farming upwards of 30 omega a day. NC didn't seem bothered then... One omega simply isn't worth 2 hours of your time.

Also, 6.0 is coming soon. When 5.0 was getting close to release, they reintroduced the bootleg event and handed out free Mythic 65 AP gear to anyone who could afford a few enchantment stones, along with near free +5 officer accessories. Just because you'd like to enjoy your exclusive full level 80 club a little longer, doesn't mean it isn't time to make that set a little more accessible to the casual players before they get fed up and quit the game. Speaking of which, a lot of them already have.

Enjoy pvp'ing training dummies with your new +20 commander set  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Comparing two completely different events makes no sense. For SFT, you gave up an entry, whether it was from an alt or a paid scroll, it was limiting. Tiamaranta's Eye Return is a whole open world event, in which you have no limitations other than natural ones and level ones. There has to be a balance.

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1 minute ago, Bryos-DN said:

Comparing two completely different events makes no sense. For SFT, you gave up an entry, whether it was from an alt or a paid scroll, it was limiting. Tiamaranta's Eye Return is a whole open world event, in which you have no limitations other than natural ones and level ones. There has to be a balance.

Two hours of brain-numbing farming for 1 omega isn't balanced at all. It does nothing to balance you with the people who farmed 100 omegas the first day. Because you aren't going to spend 200 hours farming fatties.

Even if you wanted to, there no more leagues out farming. Now you have to deal with max geared trolls from the other faction going around to stop people from farming a few coins here and there. Why did people stop? Oh right, because the prices aren't balanced, they're outrageous.

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We really need to stop fighting with the special snowflakes and keep our efforts aimed at Ncsoft.

Let these guys continue rolling around in their oblivious happiness, you are not going to change their perspective if the hundreds of posts already on the forums have not as yet.

Keeping bumping a thread that says 'Nothing Is Wrong With The Reward List' for the two people in the community who hold that opinion, is counter productive.

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