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Vashiro on EU Forums: What do you want to see in the future of AION?

The Secret Cow Level

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Interesting write up. Appears they are not so happy. Amazing from what i see the NA player base is not overly thrilled and depleted population, EU does not appear to be happy and from what I read the Korean's are not over joyed either. Yet Ncsoft continues to take the path they have been following. Now going backwards to Gelk and Inng seems like they have lost all creativity and just re-hashing old content  to updated levels. Whats coming in 8.0? Morheim/Eltnen remastered?

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3 hours ago, Jinky-KT said:

Interesting write up. Appears they are not so happy. Amazing from what i see the NA player base is not overly thrilled and depleted population, EU does not appear to be happy and from what I read the Korean's are not over joyed either. Yet Ncsoft continues to take the path they have been following. Now going backwards to Gelk and Inng seems like they have lost all creativity and just re-hashing old content  to updated levels. Whats coming in 8.0? Morheim/Eltnen remastered?

You can be creative while re-hashing old content. People re-hash the use of colour in paintings/drawings and for 1000s of years creative paintings have been created through the re-use of old styles.

To me they could be very creative if they brought back Morheim/Eltnen back with fragments of the abyss scattered everywhere and say fregion's minions take over the lands trying to re-collect the broken fragments of the artifacts that fell to our lands. This would give us not only a new look to old lands but it would also give us our first peak at the draken/platoon under the following of fregion. Obviously this is just a quick example of what they could do to be somewhat creative with the old content they keep re-introducing.

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5 hours ago, Cheesecake-DN said:

We heard you guys wanted 2.X back, so we gave you 2.X back in 7.X form. That's what you want, so that's what you get.

Totally NC logic right now.

Yep, they kinda totally missed the point, or they are stubborn like a mulle. They re-implement the maps with all the bad sh!t they introduced after 6.0 which is defo not what people asked. I am happy with gelkmaros being end game map and having sieges there, I mean why not, It worked in the past and it will work again. But we still lack everything the previous patches had, like a myriad of skins, a myriad more things to do, like housing, crafting, gathering, flying, story telling in leveling etc.

Some 6.+ things are good as a thought but implemented so ridiculously bad that it made them been hated.
Example: I love how I only need one buff now, the transformation, no more speed scrolls and casting scrolls and resistance scroll etc... BUT with scrolls you could craft them and use them, transformations are RNG-achievements and the forced transformation look is also bad. They can take 6.+ and do fixes to badly implemented things and people will stop quitting.

At this point we only hope people don't quit, because having people start now is almost a dream.

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